查看全文    HTML 过磷酸钙化成期掺杂鸡粪制备高效磷肥的研究
High-efficiency phosphate fertilizer preparation by single superphosphate loaded with chicken manure at forming time
中文关键词: 养殖固废  鸡粪  酸解  过磷酸钙  化成期
英文关键词: livestock manure  chicken manure  acid hydrolysis  single superphosphate  forming time
李见云,梁丽珍,汤建伟,张磊,化全县 郑州航空工业管理学院土木建筑工程学院郑州大学化工与能源学院 
摘要点击次数: 1340
全文下载次数: 440
      In order to increase phosphate fertilizer efficiency, single superphosphate loaded with chicken manure(SSPCM) was prepared at forming time. The experiments were conducted to study effects of the fineness and addition dosage of chicken manure, initial temperature, consumption and concentration of sulfur acid solution on the chemical characteristics of SSPCM. L9(34) orthogonal experiments were arranged to achieve the optimal conditions of SSPCM. Results showed that phosphate conversion rate of SSPCM decreased with the increase of fineness and addition dosage of chicken manure, initial temperature and concentration of sulfur acid solution, respectively, and increased with increase of sulfur acid consumption. L9(34) orthogonal testsindicated that the orderof factorsinfluencing the concentration of available phosphate in SSPCM was sulfur acid concentration, addition dosage of chicken manure, initial temperature and consumption of sulfur acid solution. The order of factors affecting phosphate conversion rate in SSPCM was sulfur acid concentration, acid consumption, addition dosage of chicken manure and initial temperature of sulfur acid solution. By available phosphate concentration and phosphate conversion rate in SSPCM as evaluating parameters, the optimal combination was addition dosage 15 g/100 g phosphate rock, initial temperature of sulfur acid solution 70益, acid consumption 125% (theoretical quantity), concentration of sulfur acid solution 65%, and fineness of chicken manure 0.8 mm.
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