查看全文    HTML 复配型助剂在实缫煮茧工艺中的应用探究
Research on application of composited auxiliaries incocoon cooking process of practical reeling
中文关键词: 复配型助剂  实缫试验  抱合力  生丝强力  晶体结构
英文关键词: composited auxiliary  practical reeling  cohesion  raw silk strength  crystal structure
肖海波,李军生,邓塔,阎柳娟,韦德科 广西工学院生物与化学工程系广西金鼎制丝有限责任公司 
摘要点击次数: 1370
全文下载次数: 621
      Sulfonated castor oil and polyoxyethylene castor oil both have excellent surface activity, and they can be used as cocoon cooking additives. A new composited auxiliary was prepared based on the weight rate of polyoxyethylene castor oil:sulfonated castor oil:water with 1:25:15, which were used in the process of cocoon-cooking. The effect of the composited auxiliaries on silk reeling was studied, and the silk cohesion and silk strength was comparatively analyzed. The effect of composited auxiliaries on crystal structure of silk was studied by XRD and FT-IR. The results showed that, after adding the composited auxiliaries based on the traditional automatic silk reeling process, silk reeling results improved obviously, the average raw silk classification improved by 0.68 A, the cohesion testing times increased by 8.2, and the tensile strength of silk slightly improved. The raw silk crystal structure remained relatively constant, which was mainly 茁-sheet structure. It will be helpful for the application and popularization of the composited auxiliaries in the field of reeling.
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