桂腾琴1,2,3, 乔爱民2, 陆春连1, 刘群1,代婷1袁柏和燕.梨品种ISSR-PCR反应体系的优化与应用[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(24):117-120
查看全文    HTML 梨品种ISSR-PCR反应体系的优化与应用
Optimization and application of ISSR-PCRreaction system in pear cultivars
中文关键词: ISSR-PCR曰梨曰体系优化
英文关键词: ISSR-PCR  pear  system optimization
桂腾琴1,2,3, 乔爱民2, 陆春连1, 刘群1,代婷1袁柏和燕 兴义民族师范学院生物与化学学院袁贵州兴义562400曰2.仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院袁广东广州510225曰 3援贵州省民族药用生物资源研究与开发重点实验室 
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      以海子梨渊Haizili冤品种的DNA 为材料袁对影响ISSR-PCR 扩增的重要因子进行单因素的优化设计袁建 立了最佳体系: 25 滋L 反应体系中含2.5 滋L 10伊buffer尧0.75 U Taq DNA 聚合酶尧0.2 mmol/L dNTPs尧2.5 mmol/L MgCl2尧0.25 滋mol/L 引物尧10~60 ng 模板DNA遥将最佳体系应用于黔西南的22 个梨品种袁证实了该体系的重复性好袁 很稳定遥
      The influencing factors in ISSR reaction system were studied by using genomic DNA of different pear cultivars. ISSR-PCR optimized reaction systems were eatablished for pear cultivars. The total volume of 25 滋L included 2.5 滋L10伊buffer, 2.5 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.2 mmol/L dNTPs, 0.25 滋mol/L primer, 10~60 ng template DNA and 0.75 U unit of DNA polymerase. 22 different pear cultivars were used to check the stabilization of the optimized reaction system. The results showed that the optimal reaction system of ISSR-PCR of pear was stable, repeatable and effective .
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