查看全文    HTML 3个广藿香品种染色体制片技术优化与计数
Chromosome sectioning optimization and chromosomecounting of three cultivars of Pogostemon cablin
中文关键词: 广藿香  品种  染色体  制片技术
英文关键词: Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth    cultivar  chromosome  sectioning method
熊洋,何梦玲,何芳,黄斯敏,严寒静 广东药学院中药学院广州市海珠区第二人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 1632
全文下载次数: 528
      以广藿香根尖为试验材料袁采用常规压片法比较取材时间尧预处理液尧处理时间尧酶液浓度尧酶解时间尧 低渗时间对广藿香染色体制片效果的影响袁采用去壁低渗法对石牌尧海南尧高要3 个广藿香品种进行染色体计数遥结 果表明院上午10:30~11:00 取材尧冰水混合液处理24 h尧4%混合酶液渊纤维素酶和果胶酶各占4%袁g/V冤酶解30 min尧低 渗15 min 所得广藿香染色体制片效果较好曰3 个广藿香品种分散良好尧清晰的50 个分裂相细胞袁70%以上的细胞染 色体数目为2n=64袁3 个广藿香品种在染色体数目上没有差异遥
      The roots of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth were used to study the influence of different sampling time袁 pretreatment liquid袁pretreatment time, enzyme concentration, enzymolysis time and hypotonic time on the chromosome sectioning. The chromosome number of three cultivars (P. cablin. cv. shipaiensis袁P. cablin. cv. gaoyaoensis袁P. cablin. cv. hainanensis) was counted by the wall degradation hypotonic method. The results showed that the materials were drew in 10:30-11:00 a.m., then pretreated with ice-water mixed liquor for 24 h, and with 4% mixed enzyme liquid 渊contains 4% cellulase and 4%pectinase袁g/V冤for 30 min. After hypotonic treatment for 15 min, 50 metaphase cells of each cultivar were observed. Chromosome number of more than 70% cell was 2n = 64. There was no difference on chromosome number in three cultivars of P. cablin.
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