查看全文    HTML 基于SCP范式的设施农业产业困境及政策破解研究——以北京市延庆县为例
Study on facility agriculture industry's industrial dilemma and policy crack based on SCP paradigm -taking the case of Yanqing county, Beijing city
中文关键词: 设施农业产业  SCP范式  产业困境  政府政策
英文关键词: facility agriculture industry  SCP paradigm  industrial dilemma  government policies
胡梅,苏杰 天津理工大学管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1633
全文下载次数: 482
      As an important form of agricultural industrialization in our country, facility agriculture industry has been greatly developed in recent years, but due to fierce market competition, facility agriculture industry is suffering low effectiveness. Taking Yanqing county, Beijing city as an example, supported by industrial organization theory, this paper attempted to make a thorough analysis of Yanqing爷s facility agriculture industry by using SCP paradigm. Result showed that industry operation was troubled by two dilemmas, scale dilemma and prisoner爷s dilemma, and the solution to free the industry from difficulties was the government policies. Based on the conclusion of analysis, the paper adjusted traditional SCP paradigm, highlighted the importance of government policies, and made some suggestions for the formulating facility agriculture industrial policies.
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