查看全文    HTML 新农村建设中村级财务管理现状、问题及对策建议
Village-level financial management status, problems and suggestions in the new rural construction
中文关键词: 村级财务管理  新农村建设  对策建议
英文关键词: village-level financial management  new rural construction  suggestion
陈润如,杨文璇,牟小容 华南农业大学经济管理学院中山大学管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1321
全文下载次数: 455
      This paper mainly concentrated on the significant problems regarding the rural financial management in Guangdong province. These problems were as follows the accounting basis was weak, the financial regulation was incomplete, the financial management was disordered, the assets were occupied seriously, the auditing and monitoring were not effective, the accounting treatment was not transparent, the rural laws and regulations were not comprehensive and the procedures were illegal. It demonstrated the reasons for these phenomenons as follows: the importance of financial management was not realized and the boundaries of authority and responsibility were not clear; the accountants were not competent and the financial arrangement were not reasonable; the financial position was not disclosed publicly and the accounts were opaque; the regulation on the accounting and finance were restricted and the democratic supervisions were not effective. Then it provided several feasible and practical suggestions including ameliorating the capabilities of accountants and awareness of responsibility management; disclosing the financial positions immediately and accurately and improving the transparency of financial procedures; strengthening the supervisions and regulations and designing the comprehensive monitoring system of rural financial management; introducing the auditing performed by CPA to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the monitoring system on the rural financial management. All of these measures would facilitate the institutionalization and standardization of the rural financial management.
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