查看全文    HTML 中美玉米期货价格相关性和引导性及动态走势模型的实证研究
Positive empirical study of relativity and preliminary with dynamic trend model of the maize futures market of the United States and China
中文关键词: ADF单位根检验  协整  Granger因果关系检验
英文关键词: augmented dickey fuller test  co-integration  granger causality test
张振 中州大学经济贸易学院 
摘要点击次数: 1487
全文下载次数: 864
      On the background of maize futures market in China and USA, taking the maize futures price in Chicago Commodity Exchange in the USA and Dalian Commodity Exchange in China from Oct. 2011 to Oct. 2012, and their relevant prices in spot market as objects, this study uses Augmented Dickey Fuller test, Co-integration, Granger Causality test to analyze the relevance and guidance of maize futures market between China and the USA. The results show that there is bi-directional leading relationship of maize futures market between China and the USA. Chicago maize futures price has obvious leading effect on Dalian爷s. This study also builds long-term equilibrium model and short-term dynamic prediction model of maize futures price of China based on the theory of Co-integration and Error Correction. The statistical indexes of the models show that the the dynamic prediction model has good fitting, can be applied to dynamic prediction of domestic maize futures price, and has a better reference for controlling the maize futures risk.
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