韩冰冰1 马玉华1 傅松玲1 肖正东2 王陆军2.不同果农复合模式土壤酶活性特征研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):52-55
查看全文    HTML 不同果农复合模式土壤酶活性特征研究
Research on the characteristics soil enzyme activity indifferent fruiter-crop agroforestry patterns
中文关键词: 果农复合模式  土壤酶活性  季节特征  空间分布
英文关键词: fruiter-crop agroforest pattern  soil enzyme activity  seasonal characteristic  spatial distribution
基金项目:野十二五冶农村领域国家科技计划项目野黄淮海平 原农区高效可持续农林复合系统调控技术研究冶(2011BAD38B 0205)
韩冰冰1 马玉华1 傅松玲1 肖正东2 王陆军2 1.安徽农业大学林学与园林学院安徽合肥230036 2.安徽省林业科学研究院安徽合肥230031 
摘要点击次数: 1826
全文下载次数: 716
      选取皖北地区5 种典型的果农复合模式即苹果+银杏苗P*Y苹果+石榴苗P*S苹果+桃苗P*T 苹果+白术P*B苹果+辣根P*L以纯林模式为对照,对不同模式土壤酶活性的特征进行研究结果表明与纯林 模式相比,不同果农复合模式土壤酶活性均有所提升,其中以P*Y,P*B 两种模式效果最好,不同模式土壤酶活性具 有明显的空间分布特征,土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶及蛋白酶活性均随土层深度的加深呈不断降低的趋势,过氧化氢酶活性 则随土层深度的加深不断升高,土壤酶活性具有明显的季节特征,其中蔗糖酶、脲酶及蛋白酶均在夏季活性最高过 氧化氢酶活性最大值则出现在秋季。
      This paper studied the characteristics of soil enzyme activity in different fruit-crop agroforestry patterns. Five typical fruiter-crop agroforest patterns including Malus+Ginkgo (P*Y), Malus+Punica (P*S), Malus+Prunus (P*T), Malus+ Atractylodes (P*B), and Malus+Cochlearia (P*L), in northern Anhui province were selected and the Malus (CK) was used as control. The results showed that soil enzyme activities of different fruiter-crop agroforestry patterns were improved than the Malus (CK)and P*Y and P*B worked best. There was a obvious spatial distribution characteristic in soil enzyme activities of different fruiter-crop agroforestry patterns. The activities of sucrase, urease, and protease decreased with the increase of soil layer, while the activity of catalase increased. Meanwhile soil enzyme activities had a seasonal characteristic. The highest activities of sucrase, urease, and protease appeared in summer while that of catalase was in autumn.
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