赵文晋 李明.稻田土壤及水稻中噻虫嗪的残留检测与降解[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):132-136
查看全文    HTML 稻田土壤及水稻中噻虫嗪的残留检测与降解
Residue detection and degradation of thiamethoxamin paddy soil and rice
中文关键词: 稻田土壤  水稻  噻虫嗪  残留检测  降解动态
英文关键词: paddy soil  rice plant  thiamethoxam  residue detection  degradation dynamic
基金项目:国家公益性行(农业)科研专项,200903033-08, 作者简介院赵文晋(1988-)男袁在读硕士生E-mailzhaowen jin2007@163.com
赵文晋 李明 贵州大学作物保护研究所贵州贵阳550025 
摘要点击次数: 2151
全文下载次数: 856
      噻虫嗪是防治稻飞虱和叶蝉等害虫的常用药剂,为明确其在稻田土壤及水稻中的残留动态,建立了一 种测定稻田土壤和水稻中噻虫嗪残留量的高效液相色谱分析方法,并采用该方法检测了贵州开阳、黄平和桐梓3 地 噻虫嗪的残留动态,结果表明在0.05,10.00 mg/L 范围内,噻虫嗪的峰面积与其质量浓度间呈良好的线性关系,相关 系数为0.9994,噻虫嗪的最低检出量为1.0,10-10 g,在土壤,稻秆,糙米和谷壳中的最低检出浓度分别为0.004,0.001, 0.003,0.003 mg/kg,在添加水平为0.1~1.0 mg/kg 范围内,稻田土壤和水稻中噻虫嗪平均回收率分别为90.97%~ 100.32%,88.96%~100.32%,相对标准偏差分别为1.77%~2.93%,0.57%~3.05%噻虫嗪在贵州开阳,黄平和桐梓3 地 稻田土壤和水稻中的降解动态曲线均符合一级动力学方程,其在水稻植株中降解迅速半衰期为1.73~2.14 d,在稻 田土壤中的降解速率比植株中的慢半衰期为2.79~3.03 d,属于易降解农药(t1/2 < 30 d)。
      Thiamethoxam is commonly used to control rice planthoppers, leafhoppers and other pests. In order to study its residue dynamic, a method for the analysis of thiamethoxam residues in paddy soil and rice was established by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the method was used to detect the thiamethoxam in paddy soil and rice in Kaiyang, Huangping and Tongzi (Guizhou province). Results showed that within the range of 0.05~10.00 mg/L, it had good linear relationship between the peak area and mass concentration of thiamethoxam, and the linear correlation coefficient for thiamethoxam was 0.9994. The detection limit of thiamethoxam was 1.0伊10-10 g, and the lowest concentration detected was 0.004 mg/kg in paddy soil, 0.001 mg/kg in rice straw, 0.003 mg/kg in brown rice, and 0.003 mg/kg in chaff. On addition level of 0.1~1.0 mg/kg range, the recovery of thiamethoxam for paddy soil and rice was 90.97%~100.32% and 88.96%~100.32% respectively, and relative standard deviation (RSD) was 1.77%~2.93% and 0.57%~3.05% respectively. The degradation research of thiamethoxam in paddy soil and rice suggested that their degradation curves accorded with the first-order kinetics equation. Thiamethoxam degraded fast in rice plant, and the half -life of thiamethoxam in rice plant was 1.73 ~2.14 d. Thiamethoxam degraded more slow in paddy soil than in rice plant. Their half-life of thiamethoxam in paddy soil was 2.79~ 3.03 d. It was indicated that the thiamethoxam degraded easily in paddy soil and rice.
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