金玉洁1 刘培鑫2 李玉玲3.设施大棚番茄灌排方案的优选研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):178-181
查看全文    HTML 设施大棚番茄灌排方案的优选研究
Study on the optimal selection of irrigation anddrainage scheme of tomato in greenhouse
中文关键词: 番茄  品质  优选  熵权系数
英文关键词: tomato  quality  selection  entropy weight coefficient
金玉洁1 刘培鑫2 李玉玲3 1.南京市水利规划设计院有限责任公司江苏南京2100982.东台市国土资源局 江苏盐城2242003.宣州区水务局安徽宣城242000 
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      设计不同大棚番茄灌排方案,对所生产番茄的品质、水分利用效率及产量进行了观测并引入熵权系数 评价模型对不同灌排方案进行优选结果表明,番茄产量随灌溉量的减少而降低,但果实的可溶性固形物Vc 含量 和糖酸比等指标均有所增加,同时灌溉量的减少也显著提高了番茄水分生产效率,除总酸含量外,其余品质指标随 暗管埋设深度的增加而增加,根据模型计算T2 为综合条件最优的灌排方案,熵权系数评价值达到0.948
      Abstract: Effects of different irrigation and drainage schemes on the quality, water production and tomato yield were observed. Additionally, entropy weight coefficient method were introduced for the optimal selection of irrigation and drainage scheme. The results showed that the tomato yield decreased with the decreasing of irrigation amount, while the content of soluble solids, Vc and ratio of sugar over acid increased significantly. Meanwhile, water production of tomato was dramatically increased with the decreasing of water application. Except for the total acid content, other quality indexes increased with drainage buried depth increasing. According to the calculation results of the model, T2 was the best irrigation and drainage scheme with optimal comprehensive effect, entropy evaluation value of T2 reached 0.948
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