金帅 顾鹏 杜建国.区域城乡协调发展的系统分析与评价 ———以江苏省为例[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):182-187
查看全文    HTML 区域城乡协调发展的系统分析与评价 ———以江苏省为例
Systematic analysis and evaluation on urban-rural coordinateddevelopment with the case of Jiangsu province
中文关键词: 城乡协调发展  复合系统  系统评价  江苏省
英文关键词: urban-rural coordinated development  complex system  systematic evaluation  Jiangsu province
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71073070)江苏哲学社科研 究基地重点项目(10JD006)
金帅 顾鹏 杜建国 江苏大学管理学院江苏镇江212013 
摘要点击次数: 2159
全文下载次数: 710
      从系统科学理论视角出发,将城乡协调发展视为一个由经济,社会人口空间和资源环境等构成的复 合系统,并对其进行科学解析借鉴系统协调度分析思路,构建区域城乡协调发展系统评价模型并以江苏2002要 2011 年城乡协调发展情况为例进行实证分析,实证研究证明该模型能够更深入地量化揭示区域城乡协调发展状况, 从而为相关策略的制定与选择提供合理的分析视角和决策依据
      From the perspective of complex system, urban-rural coordinated development can be seen as a complex system composed of economic, society, population, space, resources and environment. Based on the analysis of the system, referencing the analysis approach of system coordination degree model, the evaluation model for regional urban-rural coordinated development is formulated. For illustrative purpose, an empirical analysis on the coordinated development evaluation of Jiangsu in 2002-2011 is given to verify the applicability of the model. The empirical research testifies that the system evaluation model and the corresponding calculating method can express quantitatively the status of coordinating development of regional urban-rural system with more insights, for providing rational analysis perspective and scientific suggestions for correlative decision-making
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