王志威1 刘娜2 侯博2, 3.农产品安全视角下农户化肥施用决策研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):223-226
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Study on farmers' fertilization decision under theperspective of agricultural product safety
中文关键词: 农产品  质量安全  化肥施用  农户行为
英文关键词: agricultural product  quality safety  fertilizer application  farmers' behavior
王志威1 刘娜2 侯博2, 3 1.安徽科技学院食品药品学院安徽蚌埠233100 2. 安徽科技学院财经学院袁安徽蚌埠233100 3.江南大学江苏省食品安全研究基地江苏无锡214000 
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      化肥是农产品生产的必要投入要素之一,在促进农产品生产数量的同时,污染土壤环境、水环境以及危 害农产品的品质安全等负外部效应也逐渐彰显。以安徽省5 个县区的126 个农户为样本,对农户的化肥施用行为 进行分析,结果表明,施肥农户农民年龄偏大,受教育程度偏低耕作习惯固化家庭种植规模小等现象普遍,此外, 农户希望得到施肥技术等培训指导,但真正参加过农技培训的农户却很少,同时,农户的个人特征和家庭特征因素 对农户的化肥施用行为有显著影响,且对施肥的不同阶段的行为其影响的显著程度不同,因此,提高农户的文化教 育水平,加强农业技术培训和推广,加快农户间土地流转,对规范农户化肥施用行为进而改善农产品质量安全水平 具有基础性的作用.
      Fertilizer is one of the necessary elements for agricultural production, increases the supply of agricultural products, while the external negative effects like soil pollution, water pollution and endangering the quality and safety of agricultural product have gradually demonstrated at the same time. The paper took 126 farmers of 5 counties in Anhui province for sample, and analyzed farmers' behavior of fertilizer application. The results showed that farmers who fertilized had old age, low level of education, curing farming habits, small scale of plant. In addition, farmers wanted to get fertilization technology training and guidance, but the agricultural training was rare. Meanwhile, farmers' personal characteristics and family characteristics had significant impact on farmers' fertilizer behavior, and the impact degree was significantly different on different stages of fertilization behavior. Therefore, improving the educational level of farmers, strengthening the agricultural technical training and promotion, accelerating land circulation play fundamental role in regulating farmers' fertilizer application behavior and improving the quality and safety of agricultural products
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