乔颖丽1 岳玉平2 钱善良1.蔬菜种植户销售渠道选择行为影响因素分析 ———以河北省丰宁县为例[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(1):227-231
查看全文    HTML 蔬菜种植户销售渠道选择行为影响因素分析 ———以河北省丰宁县为例
Influence factors about farmer's choice behaviorof vegetable sales channelTaking Fengning County of Hebei province as an example
中文关键词: 蔬菜专业产区  销售行为  影响因素  logit 模型  农户
英文关键词: professional vegetable producing areas  sale behavior  influence factors  Logit model  farmers
乔颖丽1 岳玉平2 钱善良1 1. 河北北方学院经济管理学院河北张家口075000 2.河北北方学院图书馆河北张家口075000 
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      选取蔬菜专业产区作为研究区域,运用Logit 模型实证分析蔬菜种植户销售渠道选择行为的影响因素, 结果表明,种植面积,种植的品种数量,种植年限是影响销售渠道选择的主要因素,小商家地头收购和农贸市场销售 等传统渠道目前仍然是蔬菜销售的主渠道,面对小规模的农户供应商,大型超市或加工企业直接采购的交易成本较 高,因此未普遍参与产地采购限制了农户的销售渠道选择发展新型规模化的采购供应链,形成订单式的蔬菜销售 渠道,有待于农户规模化经营方式的普遍形成,如合作社、家庭农场等.
      Taking professional vegetable producing areas as research region, this paper empirically analyzes farmers choice behavior of vegetable sales channel by Logit model. The results show that planting area, the number of varieties, planting years are main affecting factors, small businesses and farmers markets sales are still main channels of vegetable sale at the current period. Faced the small-scale farmers supplier, large supermarkets or processing enterprises will have high transaction costs so that they can not participate in origin procurement, which also limits the choice of farmerssales channel. Therefore, if we want to develop new large-scale procurement and supply chain, and to form orders for vegetable sales channel, farmers should form business units, like cooperatives, family farms.
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