龚记熠 彭毅秋 张冬林 杨立昌 乙引 徐文冲.干旱胁迫对引种辣椒生长特性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):54-56
查看全文    HTML 干旱胁迫对引种辣椒生长特性的影响
Effects of drought stress on growth characteristicsof introduced pepper
中文关键词: 引种辣椒  生长特性  干旱胁迫  响应
英文关键词: introduced pepper  growth characteristic  water stress  response
基金项目:教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划RT1227 贵州省农业攻关项目黔科合NY 字[2011]3029 号贵州省国际 合作项目黔科合外G 字[2011]7027 号贵州省重点实验室建 设项目黔科合计Z 字[2011]4005 号贵州师范大学学生重点科 研项目10006
龚记熠 彭毅秋 张冬林 杨立昌 乙引 徐文冲 贵州师范大学生命科学学院/贵州省植物生理与发育调控重点实验室贵州贵阳550001 
摘要点击次数: 1959
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      以引种辣椒Jalapeno Early Hot Portugal Hot Sweet Banana 为材料利用自动灌溉系统控制基质不同含 水量,包括5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,CK研究3 个辣椒品种对干旱胁迫的响应。结果表明院随着基质含水量的减 少,3 个品种叶面积、叶绿素SPAD 值、相对含水量和水势均呈下降趋势,而根干重、根冠比和脯氨酸含量则逐渐升 高;基质相对含水量为5%时,Jalapeno Early Hot 的叶面积、叶绿素含量、相对含水量、水势分别比对照下降9.79%, 10.76%,8.03%和79.45%根干重、根冠比和脯氨酸增加19.43%,26.82%和201.85%,Sweet Banana 的叶面积、叶绿素 含量,相对含水量水势比对照分别下降18.05%、13.51%、17.70%和149.23%,根干重、根冠比和脯氨酸增加28.79%, 33.17%和115.19%说明可以通过叶片特征的调整使辣椒适应干旱胁迫其中Jalapeno Early Hot 最强Portugal Hot 居中Sweet Banana 适应能力最弱。
      By controlling the water content (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) of matrix using automatic irrigation system, the leaf characteristics responses of three introduced peppers (i.e. Jalapeno Early Hot, Portugal Hot and Sweet banana) to drought stress were studied. The results showed that, compared with the control (25% water content), the leaf area, chlorophyll SPAD, relative water content and water potential of Jalapeno Early Hot treated with 5% water content were decreased by 9.79%, 10.76%, 8.03% and 79.45% respectively, and those for Sweet Banana were decreased by 18.05%, 13.51%, 17.70% and 149.23% respectively. Meanwhile, the root dry mass, root crown ratio and proline content increased by 19.43%, 26.82%, 201.85% respectively for Jalapeno Early Hot and 28.79%, 33.17%, 115.19% for Sweet Banana. The same trend was observed for Portugal Hot. These results indicate that pepper adapts to drought stress via adjusting its leaf characteristics. Accordingly, Jalapeno Early Hot showed the highest drought-resistance ability, followed by Portugal Hot and Sweet banana.
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