龚峥 张卫华 张方秋 王洪峰 张弘 何春梅 徐巧林.绵毛银桦的组织培养与快速繁殖[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):57-60
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Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Grevillea lanigera
中文关键词: 绵毛银桦  组织培养  快速繁殖
英文关键词: Grevillea lanigera  tissue culture  rapid propagation
龚峥 张卫华 张方秋 王洪峰 张弘 何春梅 徐巧林 广东省林业科学研究院, 广东广州510520 
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      以枝芽为外植体从诱导培养增殖培养、生根培养和再生植株移栽等方面,对绵毛银桦组织培养快繁 育苗技术进行试验结果表明使用两种浓度0.025%和0.1%升汞液进行二次消毒的处理方法可将外植体污染率控 制在28.1%以下适宜绵毛银桦不定芽诱导和增殖的培养基组分为WPM+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.2 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L 适宜的继代培养周期为20 d持续增殖培养的平均增殖倍数为1.65适宜诱导生根的培养基组分为1/2WPM+IBA 0.6 mg/L+蔗糖15 g/L生根率达91.7%移植的再生植株90%以上存活。
      This paper took the preliminary trial on tissue culture and rapid propagation of Grevillea lanigera. The results showed that the contamination rate of explants could be controlled below 28.1% through the method of twice disinfection using mercuric chloride (0.025% and 0.1%). According to the results, the optimum medium for bud induction and multiplication was WPM+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.2 mg/L+sucrose 30 g/L; the suitable subculture cycle was 20 d; and the proliferation multiples of adventitious buds reached 1.65. The optimum medium for root induction was 1/2WPM+IBA 0.6 mg/L+sucrose 15 g/L and 91.7% of rooting percentage was obtained. The plantlet survival rate could exceed 90%.
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