黄勇 郭太君.盐分胁迫对长白松幼苗生长的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):66-69
查看全文    HTML 盐分胁迫对长白松幼苗生长的影响
Effect of salt stress on the growth ofPinus sylvestriformis seedling
中文关键词: 长白松  盐胁迫  幼苗生长
英文关键词: Pinus sylvestriformis  salt stress  seedling growth
黄勇 郭太君 吉林农业大学园艺学院吉林长春130118 
摘要点击次数: 1730
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      采用盆栽试验的方法观察2 年生长白松实生幼苗在不同浓度及配比的盐分NaCl Na2CO3 胁迫下的生 长变化结果表明院随着盐分浓度的增加幼苗株高、茎粗生长明显受抑制,单盐胁迫影响表现为NaCl>Na2CO3而复 合盐对株高生长的影响还与盐分比例有关在伤害症状中NaCl 对植株的伤害明显大于Na2CO3复合盐胁迫复合盐 的胁迫作用随着Na2CO3含量的递增NaCl 含量的递减呈现先减弱后增强的变化趋势根据相关定义及生长表现 推断出长白松幼苗耐盐值约为4.5 g/kg。
      The growth change of two years old Pinus sylvestriformis seedling under salt (NaCl袁Na2CO3) stress of different concentration and ratio was observed in pots containing soil. The results showed that with the increase of salt concentration, the plant height and stem diameter were obviously restrained. Furthermore, the single salt stress of NaCl was significantly stronger than Na2CO3, while the inhibition of complex sodium salt to the plant height was also related to salt proportion. In addition, the damage of NaCl to the plant was significantly serious than Na2CO3 and complex sodium salt. With the increase of Na2CO3 concentration (or the decrease of NaCl concentration), the stress of complex sodium salt to seedlings was firstly weakened and then strengthened. According to the related definition of salt tolerance, the salt tolerance threshold of P. sylvestriformis seedling was approximately 4.5 g/kg.
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