张师1,2 冯乃杰1.不同种类氮肥对玉米生长及经济性状的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):75-78
查看全文    HTML 不同种类氮肥对玉米生长及经济性状的影响
Effect of different types of nitrogen fertilizer ongrowth and economic traits of Zea mays
中文关键词: 氮肥  玉米  生长  经济性状
英文关键词: nitrogen  Zea mays  growth  economic trait
基金项目:黑龙江省农垦总局科技攻关项目HYM11B-02- 01-12
张师1,2 冯乃杰1 1.黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院黑龙江大庆163319 2.黑龙江农垦总局建三江分局勤得利农场黑龙江同江156426 
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      以德美亚1 号为供试材料,研究了3 种不同氮肥对玉米生长的影响。结果表明院细胞酶活化缓释尿素处 理叶绿素、干物质积累量均处于最高值,在完熟期比对照分别提高72.96%,55.33%,显著高于对照缓释态尿素处理 次之叶绿素、干物质积累量比细胞酶活化缓释尿素处理分别低17.54%,6.66%细胞酶活化缓释尿素处理农艺性状 和经济性状均显著优于对照普通尿素、缓释态尿素处理。综合分析认为,以施用细胞酶活化缓释尿素对促进玉米生 长效果最佳。
      Using Demeiya 1st as test materials, the test studied the effect of 3 kinds of nitrogen fertilizer on growth Zea mays. The results showed that chlorophyll, dry matter accumulation volume reached the highest value in the cell enzyme activators release state urea treatment, and were significantly higher than that of control by 72.96%, 55.33% , respectively, in ripe stage. Chlorophyll, dry matter accumulation volume of slow-release urea treatment were lower than that of cell enzyme activators release state urea treatment by 17.54%, 6.66%, respectively. Agronomic and economic traits of Z. mays treated by cell enzyme activators release state urea were significantly better than those treated by control, common urea and slow-release urea. Comprehensive analysis showed that cell enzyme activators release state urea promote the growth of Z. mays best.
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