陆仟1 罗恩波1 黄旭光1 韦路易1 郭成林2 马永林2 马跃峰2 覃建林2.22种除草剂防除黄素梅菟丝子的效果及安全性评价[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):106-110
查看全文    HTML 22种除草剂防除黄素梅菟丝子的效果及安全性评价
Evaluation on the control efficiency and safety of 22 kinds ofherbicides aimed to control Duranta repens cv. Dodder
中文关键词: 除草剂  中国菟丝子  黄素梅  防除效果  安全性
英文关键词: herbicide  dodder  Duranta repens cv.  control efficiency  safety
基金项目:南宁市科技攻关项目201106061D科技部国 际科技合作项目2011DFB30040
陆仟1 罗恩波1 黄旭光1 韦路易1 郭成林2 马永林2 马跃峰2 覃建林2 1.南宁市绿化工程管理处广西南宁530011 2.广西农业科学院植物保护研究所广西南宁530007 
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      选用22 种除草剂各设低量和倍量两个梯度对接种菟丝子的盆栽黄素梅进行定量茎叶喷雾处理,药后 30 d 调查黄素梅抑制率和菟丝子防除效果。结果表明院6%菟丝特AS 30、60 mg/L、41%草甘膦异丙胺盐AS 364 mg/L, 10%双草醚SC 28 mg/L,对黄素梅抑制率约20%,对菟丝子防效跃80%,药效高,药害可以接受;10%双草醚SC 56 mg/L, 21.4%三氟羧草醚EC 618 mg/L、41%草甘膦异丙胺盐AS 729 mg/L、56%2 甲4 氯钠盐WP 374、746 mg/L、48%百草敌 AS 427 mg/L、20%氯氟吡氧乙酸EC 178、356 mg/L、50%特丁噻草隆SC 1111、2 222 mg/L、90%环嗪酮WP 1000、2000 mg/L 效果达到80.36%~100%,抑制率达到20.37%~100%,药效高药害严重;其他药剂处理抑制率约37.73%药效约 74%抑制率较低,药效较低。以高效、安全原则综合评价,寄主抑制率约20%,菟丝子防效跃80%的药剂处理为6%菟丝 特AS 60,30 mg/L、41%草甘膦异丙胺盐AS 364 mg/L、10%双草醚SC 28 mg/L,其综合值依次分别达到81.68,80.74, 80.03 和63.69,是安全高效防除黄素梅菟丝子药剂处理。
      Twenty-two kinds of herbicides in low and high (twice) dosage were selected to conduct quantitative spray treatment on stem and leaf of pot Duranta repens cv., then the inhibition rate of D. repens cv. and the efficiency of controlling dodder were investigated 30 d later. The results showed that the inhibition rate of D. repens cv. was lower than 20% while the efficiency of controlling dodder was higher than 80% by using 30, 60 mg/L 6% tusite AS, 364 mg/L 41% glyphosate isopropylamine AS and 28 mg/L 10% bispyribac-sodium SC, of which the efficiency was high and the phytotoxicity could be accepted; on the other hand, the inhibition rate of D. repens cv. was 20.37%~100% while the efficiency of controlling dodder was 80.36%~100% by using 56 mg/L 10% bispyribac-sodium SC, 618 mg/L 21.4% acifluorfen EC, 729 mg/L 41% glyphosate isopropylamine AS, 374, 746 mg/L 56% 2-MCPA-Na WP, 427 mg/L 48% dicamba AS, 178, 356 mg/L 20% fluroxypyr EC, 1 111, 2 222 mg/L 50% tebuthiuron SC, 1 000, 2 000mg/L 90% hexazinaone WP, of which efficiency was high but the phytotoxicity was serious; besides, the inhibition rate was lower than 37.73% while the efficiency was lower than 74% by using other herbicides. Based on the principles of efficiency and safety, the herbicide with inhibition rate lower than 20% and efficiency higher than 80% were as follows: 60, 30 mg/L 6% dodder AS, 364 mg/L 41% glyphosate isopropylamine AS and 28 mg/L 10% bispyribac-sodium SC, and the comprehensive values were 81.68, 80.74, 80.03, 63.69 respectively. So they were safe and efficient herbicides for controlling D. repens cv. dodder
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