黄英 黄娟.农村生态环境承压能力区域差异与影响因素研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):157-161
查看全文    HTML 农村生态环境承压能力区域差异与影响因素研究
Research on regional difference and influence factors onpressure-bearing capacity of rural ecological environment
中文关键词: 农村生态环境  承压能力  区域差异  影响因素
英文关键词: rural ecological environment  pressure-bearing capacity  regional difference  influence factor
黄英 黄娟 中国地质大学江城学院湖北武汉430200 
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      为了探讨目前农村生态环境承压能力受地区条件差异呈现的异质性变化规律,基于2011 年的省际面 板数据,选用多指标评价体系,运用因子分析法对各省的农村生态环境承压能力进行了综合评价。结果表明,四川、 山东和河南农村生态环境的承压能力位于全国前3 位;北京、天津、上海位于后3 位。在此基础上,结合农村生态环 境水平评价矩阵对31 个省区进行聚类,结果显示,四川、山东、河南等12 地属于野承压能力强-高效益冶型地区;甘 肃、云南、内蒙古3 地属于野承压能力强-低效益冶型地区;广西、新疆属于野承压能力弱-高效益冶型地区;陕西、西藏 江西等14 地属于野承压能力弱-低效益冶型地区。
      In order to explore regional difference in pressure-bearing capacity of rural ecological environment based on differences of area conditions, the article selects panel data of 2011 to make up multi-index evaluation system of rural ecological environment. The results of factor analysis show that Sichuan, Shandong and Henan are the national top three, while Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai are located in national final three. Further more, we cluster 31 regions by constructing evaluation matrix on level of rural ecological environment. The results show that 12 areas including Sichuan, Shandong, Henan belong to strong pressure-bearing capacity, high efficiency area, 3 areas including Gansu, Yunnan and Inner Mongolia belong to strong pressure -bearing capacity, low efficiency area, Guangxi and Xinjiang belong to weak pressure-bearing capacity, high efficiency冶area, 14 areas including Shanxi, Tibet and Jiangxi belong to weak pressurebearing capacity, low efficiency area.
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