黄翅清 刘小玲.珠三角失地农民就业安置意愿及其影响因素分析 ———基于中山市 6 区镇的实证研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):204-208
查看全文    HTML 珠三角失地农民就业安置意愿及其影响因素分析 ———基于中山市 6 区镇的实证研究
Job placement willingness of landless peasants inthe PRD region and its influencing factorsA case study of landless peasants in Zhongshan city
中文关键词: 失地农民  就业安置意愿  二元Logistic 回归分析  珠三角
英文关键词: landless peasant  job placement will ingness  binary Logistic regression analysis  Pearl River Delta region
基金项目:院广东省人才引进科研项目粤财教[2008]297 号 华南农业大学校长基金7700-208018
黄翅清 刘小玲 华南农业大学公共管理学院广东广州510642 
摘要点击次数: 2151
全文下载次数: 673
      结合中山市6 个区镇的调研数据,建立二元Logistic 回归模型分析影响失地农民就业安置意愿的因素。 结果显示,影响失地农民就业安置意愿的因素包括受访者是否有外出打工经商经历、受访者月平均收入、家庭非农 就业率、家庭收入在本村水平、家庭是否有出租收入。建议政府在制定就业安置政策时应该做到按具体状况划分就 业安置对象类型,以市场手段调节就业安置供需情况,用整合优化思维组合就业安置岗位资源。
      The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors affecting landless peasants' will ingness of job placement in Pearl River Delta region. Binary Logistic model with questionnaires and interviews data of six districts and towns in Zhongshan city are used to analyze landless peasants' will on job placement. The results show that the landless peasants' will ingness on job placement are influenced by many kinds of factors. Not only the job experience, average monthly income of respondents, but also the ratio of nonagricultural employment, the household income level in the village, rental income may affect their will on job placement. The government should protect the landless peasants' benefits as much as possible; the measure of job placement must be targeted, market-oriented and integrated, so that it could be more suitable for the landless peasants
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