徐莉莉1,2 李婵娟2 苏安国3.农户视角下的农民合作组织益贫效果分析 ———以宁夏 YC 县为例[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):209-213
查看全文    HTML 农户视角下的农民合作组织益贫效果分析 ———以宁夏 YC 县为例
Analysis on the pro-poor effect of farmer cooperativeorganizations from the perspective of farmers A case study of YC county, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
中文关键词: 农民合作组织  可持续生计分析框架  生计资本  益贫
英文关键词: farmer cooperative organization  sustainable livelihoods analytical framework  livelihood capital  pro-poor
基金项目:加拿大国际发展研究中心(IDRC)项目102005- 001北京农学院大北农青年教师科研基金13SK004
徐莉莉1,2 李婵娟2 苏安国3 1.北京农学院城乡发展学院北京102206 2.中国农业大学人文与发展学院北京100193 3. 北京农学院学校办公室北京102206 
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      以英国国际发展署(DFID)提出的可持续生计分析框架为依据,通过探讨农民合作组织发展引起的贫困 地区农户生计资本的变化过程,考察农民合作组织对贫困地区农户益贫的效果。结果发现,受农民合作组织直接或 者间接的影响,五大生计资本存量有所提高,对农户的益贫效果主要体现在改善组织结构和管理制度的供需均衡、 降低农户生计脆弱性、促进农村地区内源式发展、探索可持续发展路径以及提高农民综合素质方面。
      Based on the sustainable livelihoods analytical framework proposed by the United Kingdom Department for International Development(DFID), this paper explored farmers爷livelihoods changing process aroused by the development of farmer cooperative organizations, and then further examined the pro-poor effect of these organizations. The results showed that farmer cooperative organizations might directly/indirectly influence the quantity of five livelihood capital. To be specific, all of this capital index would increase and improve the balance of needs and supply of organization structure and management system, reduce the vulnerability of farmers爷livelihood, promote the source development in rural areas and the path of sustainable development, and improve the comprehensive quality of farmers.
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