吴涛 任平.四川省城镇化与耕地资源变化 关系及协调性分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(2):218-222
查看全文    HTML 四川省城镇化与耕地资源变化 关系及协调性分析
Analysis on relationship and coordination between urbanizationand cultivated land resource change of Sichuan province
中文关键词: 城镇化  耕地资源变化  协调性  四川省
英文关键词: urbanization  cultivated land resource change  coordination  Sichuan province
吴涛 任平 四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院/西南土地资源评价与监测教育部重点实验室四川成都610066 
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      在分析1978要2011 年四川省城镇化水平与耕地资源变化趋势的基础上,探讨了城镇化与耕地资源变化 的理论关系与定量模型,并对两者协调关系进行了分析。研究结果表明院四川省城镇化水平不断提升的同时,耕地总 面积与人均耕地面积呈整体减少趋势,并具有阶段性特征;理论框架下的城镇化与耕地资源协调发展难以实现,城 镇化水平每增加1 个单位,耕地面积相应减少5.743 个单位;四川省城镇化与耕地资源变化协调度表现出阶段性特 征,整体呈现出野基本调和、调和要要勉强调和、不协调要要基本协调、较协调冶的状态趋势。 在此基础上,提出城镇化 与耕地资源协调发展的对策建议。
      Based on the tendency analysis of urbanization level and cultivated land resource change from 1978 to 2011 of Sichuan province, the paper studied the theoretical relationship and quantitative model between urbanization and cultivated land resource change, and analyzed the coordination. Results showed: accompanied with the rising of urbanization level in Sichuan province, cultivated land total areas and per person area presented decreasing tendency which possessed stage characteristics; coordinated development between urbanization and cultivated land resource hardly realized under the theoretical framework, as cultivated land area would decrease 5.743 units if urbanization level promoted one unit; coordinated degree between urbanization and cultivated land resource change of Sichuan province showed stage characteristics which presented state of basically coordinate and coordinate to barely coordinate and incoordinate to basically coordinate and comparatively coordinate . Based on these, the paper put forward suggestions on the coordinated development between urbanization and cultivated land resource
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