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Research on productivity of the sugarcane/soybean intercropping pattern
中文关键词: 密集烤房  烟叶烘烤  装烟方式  效果
英文关键词: sugarcane  soybean  intercropping  land equivalent ratio LER
基金项目:广东中烟工业有限责任公司项目“优质烟叶基地 密集烘烤技术及专业化服务体系研究”(粤烟玉院05XM-QK12011 1O20)
梁荣1,何振峰2,文俊1,张延军1,邱妙文2,黄履明2 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东广州5106102.广东省烟草南雄科学研究所广东南雄512400 
摘要点击次数: 1908
全文下载次数: 588
      为了探寻适合广东烟叶烘烤生产的装烟方式,对梳式烟夹、散叶插签堆放及常规竹竿等3 种装烟方式进 行对比试验。结果表明,与常规竹竿相比,梳式烟夹和散叶插签堆放设备投入成本较高,但这两种装烟方式的装烟量 和装烟密度比常规竹竿大幅增加,装烟和卸烟工作效率明显提高,用工成本显著降低;在烘烤过程的能耗方面,梳式 烟夹和散叶插签堆放较常规竹竿有不同程度的降低,进一步节省烘烤成本;从烤后烟叶经济性状来看,梳式烟夹的 表现最好,常规竹竿和散叶插签堆放次之,因此认为梳式烟夹可进一步试验和推广。
      In this study, field experiments were conducted to elucidate the population of weeds, soil nutrient, crop yield and land equivalent ratio (LER) under sugarcane monoculture, soybean monoculture and sugarcane/soybean intercropping patterns. Results showed that the amount of weeds was 16.5 to 25.0 plant per m2 under sugarcane/soybean intercropping pattern while 40.0 to 45.0 plant per m2 under sugarcane monoculture, reduced significantly under sugarcane/ soybean intercropping pattern. Furthermore, the values of the tatol N, tatol P, available K and available P increased by 0.03 g/kg 0.058 g/kg 0.1344 mg/kg and 5.34 mg/kg respectively, shouing that some of the soil nutrients was improved under intercropping pattern. The sugarcane seedling emergence and cane yield had no significant difference between sugarcane monoculture and sugarcane/soybean intercropping pattern. Finally, the LER of the intercropping pattern was high as 1.39- 1.63, which meant that intercroping pattern had stronger intercropping advantages.
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