李倩,田薇,王春荣,蒋鹏,高庆花.“菊茎叶及其根际土壤浸提液对白绢病菌 与白术种子萌发的化感效应[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(3):83-87
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Research on allelopathic effect of the water extractfrom Acacia podalyriifolia phyllode
中文关键词: “菊  茎叶浸提液  根际土壤浸提液  白绢病菌  抑菌活性  化感效应
英文关键词: Acacia podalyriifolia  phyllode  water extract  allelopathic effect
李倩,田薇,王春荣,蒋鹏,高庆花 浙江农林大学亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室培育基地浙江临安311300 
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      以白术常见病害真菌白绢菌和白术种子为受试材料,采用菌丝生长速率法和培养皿滤纸法研究了“菊 茎叶提取物及其根际土壤提取物对白绢菌菌丝生长及白术种子萌发和生长发育的化感效应。结果表明院在测试的浓 度梯度范围内,“菊的茎叶水提液(0.5 g/mL)、茎叶醇提液(0.125 g/mL)、根际土壤醇提液(0.125 g/mL)、根际土壤水提液 (0.25 g/mL)均能显著抑制白绢病菌菌丝生长,且随着提取液浓度的升高抑制作用增强。根据试验结果推断院“菊茎叶 水溶性提取物(0.5 g/mL)显示出对白术种子发芽的抑制作用,而“菊茎叶醇提液对白术种子萌发和生长无明显影响。 “菊茎叶醇提物中的化感物质显示出对白绢菌的拮抗作用,且对白术种子萌发和生长无明显抑制作用。这为开发防 治白术土传病害的新型植物源杀菌剂奠定了基础。
      The research was conducted to figure out the effects of Acacia podalyriifolia phyllode water extract on seed germination and seedling growth of three Solanaceae species (Lycopersicum esculentum, Solanum melongena and Capsicum frutescens). By using seed germination method, the allelopathic effect indexes, germination rate and seedling growth features of receptor plant seed under the different concentrations of phyllode water extract were determinated. The allelopathic index of C. frutescens爷s seed germination was 0.062 under the lower concentration (0.02 g/mL), while the same index and combined index of L. esculentum爷s bud length were 0.37 and 0.09, respectively under lower concentration (0.02 g/mL), 0.30 and 0.01, respectively under relative lower concentration (0.04 g/mL). The allelo-chemicals in the phyllode water extract had different inhibition on seed germination and seedling growth of three species of Solanaceae. Under different concentrations of phyllode water extract, the inhibition effects were some degree different on seed germination and seedling growth, while double effects occurred on L. esculentum: lower concentration of leaf extract had stimulating effect and the higher concentration had inhibitory effect and evident inhibition effects on both C. frutescens and S. melongena, with concentration dependency effects in the tested ranges.
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