查看全文    HTML 中国大鲵传染性疾病病原体研究进展
Effects of temperature and pH on activity of digestiveenzymes in Amphiprion ocellaris juvenile
中文关键词: 中国大鲵  病原体  细菌  真菌  寄生虫  病毒
英文关键词: Amphiprion ocellaris  temperature  pH  digestive enzyme
李蔚,董传甫 中山大学生命科学学院/国家生物防治重点实验室广东广州510275 
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      中国大鲵是稀有和最大的两栖类生物,为国家二类保护动物。“生和驯养的中国大鲵具有生态学和经 济学的意义,但系列的传染性疾病造成了中国大鲵的“生恢复减缓和驯养大鲵的经济损失,这些传染性病原体包括 细菌、真菌、寄生虫和病毒。对近年来在研究中国大鲵传染性病原体中发现的细菌、真菌、寄生虫和病毒,特别是2011 年后引起驯养大鲵大量死亡的蛙病毒进行了综述,可为中国大鲵的疾病发生机制、预防和治疗建议提供综合性基础 资料。
      Effects of temperature and pH on activity of 3 kinds of digestive enzymes (protease, amylase and lipase) in stomach, liver and intestine of Amphiprion ocellaris juvenile were studied and compared under artificial culture. The results showed that activity of protease, amylase and lipase all could be detected in stomach, liver and intestine, the order of protease activity was stomach > intestinal > liver, the order of amylase activity was intestinal > liver > stomach, the order of lipase activity was intestinal > liver > stomach. The optimum pH values for protease, amylase and lipase were 2.2, 7.0 and 7.5 in stomach, 7.5, 6.0 and 7.0 in liver, 7.0, 7.0 and 7.5 in foregut, 7.0, 7.0 and 7.5 in midgut, 8.0, 7.0 and 7.5 in hindgut. The optimum temperature for protease in three organs was all 40, for amylase in stomach was 40, in liver was 35 and that in intestine (foregut, midgut, hindgut) was all 30. The optimum temperature for lipase in three digestive organs was all 40.
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