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Assessment on China farmland protectionand compensation model
中文关键词: 水稻  国家科技奖励  科研进展
英文关键词: compensation for farmland protection  assessment on farmland protection  Longitudinal and Horizontal
杨毅1,梅方竹1,曹凑贵2 1.华中农业大学科学技术发展研究院湖北武汉430070 2.华中农业大学植物科学技术学院湖北武汉430070 
摘要点击次数: 1666
全文下载次数: 607
      统计并分析了2000要2012 年我国水稻科研成果获得国家级科技奖励情况及产出的部分重大成果。结 果表明,水稻成果获奖数在经历波浪式变化后进入平稳增长期;水稻新品种选育及育种技术创新领域获奖最多;农 业高校、国家级科研机构和地方农业科研机构是我国水稻科研体系最主要的组成部分;湖南、四川、浙江、江苏等水 稻生产大省产出的水稻科研成果较多。针对我国水稻科研面临的挑战,提出了加强水稻功能基因组研究、培育超级 杂交水稻和绿色超级稻以及加强稻作配套技术研究及稻米精深加工的建议。
      The current policy of China farmland protection is a kind of principal agent system. It mainly relies on land quota and severe punishment. But this policy ignores the local governments motivation of farmland protection, which results in incentive incompatibility between central and local government. This thesis estimates the farmland protection quantity in and quality, the former is affected by land finance, illegal farmland use; the latter by grain surplus, financial expenditure and sustainable development of agriculture. Based on the estimates above, we divided farmland protection into deficit area, balance area and surplus area. According to the conclusion, a compensation model for China farmland protection named Longitudinal and Horizontal should be used to rectify the unfairness to internalize the externalities, to enhance the inefficiency of farmland protection, which has theoretical and practical feasibility. model
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