查看全文    HTML 2013年广东水稻产业发展形势与对策建议
Development situation and countermeasuresof Guangdong rice industry in 2013
中文关键词: 水稻产业  发展形势  对策建议  广东省
英文关键词: rice industry  development situation  countermeasure  Guangdong province
基金项目:广东省现代农业产业技术体系建设专项院水稻创 新团队首席(岗位)专家及综合示范与培训站长建设任务;广东 省农业科学院院长基金(201310)
曾晓花,方伟,康艺之,万忠 广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东广州510640 
摘要点击次数: 1812
全文下载次数: 571
      2012 年广东稻谷总产和单产均创历史新高,稻谷播种面积小幅增长,农民种粮收益继续大幅提升,水稻 保险试点进一步扩大。科技进步对广东水稻产业的贡献率继续提升,物质投入贡献相对降低,科研院所已成为水稻 新品种创新的中坚力量。但“镉大米”事件对广东稻米生产产生了重大影响。针对目前广东水稻产业发展新形势新变 化,提出了“继续加大支农、惠农力度,切实保护农民的种粮积极性;切实加强行业道德与监督管控;尽快建立流通环 节的分类指导与差别定价政策;继续推进水稻保险体系建设”等对策建议。
      There is a great increase of rice production and yield in Guangdong. The rice planting area slightly raises and the peasantsincome greatly increases. Rice insurance has been experimented and enlarged. The contribution rate of science and technological progress continues improving, and the material input contribution is relatively lower. Scientific research institutes have become new rice varieties innovation backbone. But the Guangdong rice production is seriously influenced by Cadmium Rice Event. Under the new situation, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions such as continuing to make greater efforts to protect farmersenthusiasm for growing grain, strengthening the industry supervision and control, as soon as possible to establish circulation of classification guidance and differential pricing policy, and continuing to construct the rice insurance system.
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