查看全文    HTML 谷子突变体研究进展
Advance in foxtail millet mutant
中文关键词: 谷子  突变体  突变体库  功能基因
英文关键词: Foxtail millet  mutant  mutant library  functional gene
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31200910);河北省自然科学 基金(C2008001172);河北省农林科学院科学技术研究与发展 计划项目(A2012030102);河北省科学技术研究与发展计划项 目(11251011D)
马宏1,王永芳2,李伟2 1.河北省科学院生物研究所河北石家庄0500812.河北省农林科学院谷子研究所河北石家庄050035 
摘要点击次数: 1740
全文下载次数: 581
      谷子是在我国种植历史最悠久的主要杂粮作物之一,伴随谷子基因组测序的完成,研究谷子的功能基 因将成为谷子研究的热点。谷子属C4植物,并且与水稻的基因组共线性高等特性亦会增加对谷子的研究热情。构建 谷子功能基因组饱和的突变体库,既能为谷子功能基因研究提供基础材料,亦能为谷子功能基因组和转录组学的解 析打下基础。通过化学因素和辐射因素诱发构建突变体库的方法是获得谷子突变体库主要的有效手段。通过阐述构 建谷子突变体库的目的和意义,综述了诱变技术在创造谷子突变体和功能基因组研究中的应用。
      Foxtail millet is an important and oldest cereals crop in China, has high drought resistance and high utilization of the water. With the completion of foxtail millet genome sequencing, the research on functional gene of foxtail millet will become a central issue. Foxtail millet belongs to C4 plants and its gemome has high colinearity with that of rice, both of them will increase people's enthusiasm for the study of foxtail millet. The first foxtail millet mutant library will provide useful help to the research on foxtail millet. The construction of mutant library has become the effective means through physical and chemical mutagenic technology. This paper described the purpose and meaning of the construction of foxtail millet mutant library. The mutation techniques used in the creation of foxtail millet mutants and varieties improvement were summarized, and the mutant library applying in foxtail millet functional genomics. Key
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