陈育华,许燕,李辉,张绍龙.不同栽培方式和施肥处理对花生性状、产量 及经济效益的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(4):32-35
查看全文    HTML 不同栽培方式和施肥处理对花生性状、产量 及经济效益的影响
Effects of different cultivation patterns and fertilization treatmentson character, yield and economic benefit of peanut
中文关键词: 花生  覆膜  施肥  经济效益
英文关键词: peanut  film mulching  fertilization  economic benefit
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(粤科规划字咱2011暂114 号)
陈育华,许燕,李辉,张绍龙 汕头市农业科学研究所广东汕头515021 
摘要点击次数: 2086
全文下载次数: 673
      通过对覆膜、露地2种不同栽培方式和化肥有机肥配合、纯化肥2 种不同基肥处理进行试验,分析不同 栽培方式和不同施肥处理对花生的主要经济性状、产量、经济效益的影响。结果表明,不管采用哪种基肥处理,通过 覆膜栽培比露地栽培方式提早花生的出苗期、开花期和收获期,明显促进主茎增高、侧枝增长,增加有效分枝数,提 高单株总果数、饱果数、饱果率、百果重、百仁重、出仁率,增产极显著(达23.42%耀39.87%),每667 m2可增收333.0耀 620.5 元。
      The tests of film mulching cultivation or open cultivation with organic and inorganic compound fertilizer or single inorganic fertilizer were studied. Effects of different cultivation patterns and different fertilization treatments on character, yield and economic benefit of peanut were analyzed. The results showed that film mulching cultivation could advance emergence stage, flowering period and harvest time; increase the length of stem and branch, the number of effective branches; raise the number of pods per plant, the number and rate of full pods, the weight of 100 pods, the weight of 100 seeds, and natality, increase yield extremely significant (23.42%~39.87%), and increase income 333.0~620.5 Yuan per 667 m2.
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