查看全文    HTML 哈密瓜保鲜技术研究进展
Research progress on preservation technology of Hami melon
中文关键词: 哈密瓜  保鲜  展望
英文关键词: Hami melon曰preservation曰prospect
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31201439);上海市教育委员 会重点学科建设项目(J50704);上海市教育委员会科研创新项目 (11YZ160);上海海洋大学优秀青年学科骨干培养计划(海鸥计 划)项目
周研,谢晶,周然 上海海洋大学食品学院/上海水产品加工及贮藏工程技术研究中心上海201306 
摘要点击次数: 1655
全文下载次数: 813
      哈密瓜口感香甜,营养丰富备受到消费者青睐。由于哈密瓜采摘后贮藏条件不佳,且容易受到致腐病原 菌侵染,引起哈密瓜腐败变质,缩短了哈密瓜的贮藏期,影响了哈密瓜的销售。需要采用恰当的保鲜技术进行处理, 以防止其腐败,延长贮藏期。对哈密瓜气调包装保鲜技术、调节贮运温度技术、化学保鲜剂技术以及其他保鲜技术等 保鲜技术的研究进展做了简要介绍,同时简述了国外学者利用损伤接种的方法对外源有害菌感染哈密瓜的研究。并 指出了哈密瓜保鲜中存在一些问题,同时指出了未来哈密瓜保鲜的发展趋势。
      Hamin melon is favored by consumers for its good taste and rich nutrition. Since it is easily affected by rot pathogen which would cause deterioration, lead to shorter storage period and affect the sales of Hami melon when it is stored in bad conditions, we need seek for proper preservation technologies to prevent the corruption and extend the storage period. The paper gives a brief introduction to the progress of modified atmosphere packaging technology, storage temperature regulating technology, chemical preservative technologies and other preservation techniques. At the same time, the authors also give a brief introduction about foreign researches on cantaloupe infected by exogenous harmful bacterium by using the method of damage vaccination. Some problems existing in preservation of Hami melon and the future development trend of keeping cantaloupe fresh were also pointed out.
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