查看全文    HTML 马鹿花5种配置模式物种多样性比较
Species diversity comparation of Pueraria wallichiiDC. in five kinds of configuration mode
中文关键词: 马鹿花  5 种配置模式  物种多样性
英文关键词: Pueraria wallichii DC  five kinds of configuration mode  species diversity
基金项目:国家林业科学技术推广项目([2011]05 号)
王鲜艳1,2,谷勇2,黄小波2,吴昊2,赵虹2 1、西南林业大学环境科学与工程学院云南昆明650224 2、中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所云南昆明650224 
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      以马鹿花5种配置模式的调查资料为基础进行多样性分析,结果表明院(1)5 种配置模式中,马鹿花-墨 西哥柏林总体丰富度指数、Simpson 指数、Shannon-wiener 指数以及Pielou 指数最高,马鹿花纯林(泸-2)总体丰富度 指数、Simpson、Shannon-wiener、Pielou 指数最小;(2)马鹿花-三年桐林与马鹿花纯林(泸-2)为同一环境条件下的不 同配置模式,马鹿花-三年桐林丰富度、Simpson、Shannon-wiener 指数指数均比马鹿花纯林(泸-2)高,说明同一环境 条件马鹿花与三年桐混交林比马鹿花纯林物种更丰富、多样性更高;(3)多样性指数在不同群落间的垂直变化幅度 均为草本层>乔灌层,说明草本层较发达,对马鹿花5 种配置模式物种多样性贡献较大。
      Based on the data of five kinds of configuration mode with Pueraria wallichii DC, the species diversity was analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The global richness, Simpson index, Shannon-wiener index and Pielou index of the P. wallichii DC-Cupressus lusitanica forest was the highest in these five kinds of configuration mode, while the P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2) was the lowest; (2) P. wallichii DC-Aleuvites fordii Hemsl forest and P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2) were planted in the same environmental condition, but the richness, Simpson index and Shannon-wiener index of P. wallichii DC-A. fordii Hemsl forest were higher than P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2), and this result indicated that the forest of P. wallichii DC planted with A. fordii Hemsl was superior to the P. wallichii DC pure forest in the same environmental condition; (3) The variation of species diversity index for different strata were herb layer > tree + shrub layer. This result indicated that herb layer was developed and it had great contribution to the species diversity of P. wallichii DC. in five kinds of configuration mode.
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