刘丽辉.现阶段广东农业产业结构调整方向研究 ———基于改革开放以来的演变及动因分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(5):32-37
查看全文    HTML 现阶段广东农业产业结构调整方向研究 ———基于改革开放以来的演变及动因分析
Study on adjustment direction for agriculture industrystructure at current stage in GuangdongBased on analysis of its evolution and motives since theimplementation of reform and open policy
中文关键词: 广东农业产业结构  演变历史  动因  调整方向
英文关键词: agriculture industry structure in Guangdong  evolution history  motives  direction
刘丽辉 佛山科学技术学院经济管理学院广东佛山528000 
摘要点击次数: 1591
全文下载次数: 644
      农业结构的改变对农业经济增长及农民收入的影响显著。35 年来,广东三次产业在GDP 构成中的变化 趋势是第一产业(即农业)下降明显,第二产业变化不大,第三产业一直上升。尽管第一产业对GDP 的贡献下降,但经 过4 次农业结构调整,种植业大幅度下降(特别是粮食作物),牧业和渔业稳定上升,出现了新兴的农林牧渔服务业 等结构特点,使得广东在农地资源不断被挤占的情况下,仍能实现野农业增效尧农民增收冶。广东农业结构调整是政策 驱动尧国内外市场需求拉动尧农业技术推动多因素共同作用的结果。新世纪以来,面对农业生产要素日益稀缺尧全球 气温逐渐上升尧农产品市场需求再次变化等压力和挑战,下阶段广东农业结构应围绕农业生产低碳化尧农业产品品 质化尧农业效益高效化3个方向,使广东野农业产品结构冶尧野农业生产区域结构冶尧野农村产业结构冶向深层次发展和延伸。
      The transformation of agricultural structure affects the agricultural economic growth and farmers' income significantly. For 35 years, the trend of the three industries in GDP of Guangdong is that the first industry (agriculture) decreases significantly, and the secondary industry changes little, and the tertiary industry has been rising. Although the contribution of the first industry declines in GDP, but after four times of adjustment of agricultural structure, planting decreases greatly (especially food crops), animal husbandry and fishery rises steadily, there has been an emerging structural features, such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services, so that in the case of agricultural land resources to be diverted, Guangdong still achieve the agricultural synergism, farmer income. The agricultural structure adjustment of Guangdong is the result of joint action among the policy driven, domestic and international market demand pull and the agricultural technology promoting. Since the new century, facing the pressure and challenges such as the agricultural production factors are increasingly scarce, global temperature rises gradually, the market demand of agricultural products changes again. At the next phase, the adjustment of agricultural structure of Guangdong should focus on three directions, including low carbon agriculture, aricultural products quality and the agricultural benefit efficiency. Finally, we should make the the structure of agricultural products, agricultural regional structure and the rural industrial structure of Guangdong develop and extent deeply.
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