胡延吉1,刘莲2.小麦淀粉糊化特性及面团流变学 特性的配合力分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(5):54-58
查看全文    HTML 小麦淀粉糊化特性及面团流变学 特性的配合力分析
Analysis on combining ability of starch pastingand dough rheological characters in wheat
中文关键词: 小麦  糊化特性  流变学特性  配合力  品质育种
英文关键词: wheat  pasting character  rheological character  combining ability  quality breeding
胡延吉1,刘莲2 1.仲恺农业工程学院生命科学学院广东广州5102252.山东农业大学农学院山东泰安271028 
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      利用5 个冬小麦品种组配成的双列杂交设计(无反交),对小麦淀粉糊化特性和面团流变学特性的配合 力和基因效应进行了分析。配合力方差分析表明,除耐揉时间和8 min 带宽特殊配合力方差不显著外,其他性状的一 般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)方差均显著。除最终粘度外,其他性状的GCA 方差显著大于SCA 方差。综合配合 力效应分析和遗传参数的估计,说明耐揉时间和8 min 带宽的遗传主要是加性基因效应,而其他性状则同时受加性 效应和非加性效应的控制且多数以加性效应占优势。藁城8901 是表现最突出的亲本,其淀粉糊化特性和面团流变 学特性的GCA 总效应居第1 位。对于以加性效应为主的性状,亲本本身表现与其GCA 效应基本一致。F1代表现与 SCA 效应呈显著正相关,但也受双亲GCA 的影响。因此,选配杂交组合应在亲本GCA 高的基础上,再注重其SCA 的 选择。并对小麦品质改良的相关问题进行了讨论。
      The objective of this study was to analyze the combining abilities and gene effects of starch pasting and dough rheological characters in wheat by using a diallel cross design (without reciprocals) with five winter wheat cultivars. The variance analysis of combining ability showed that the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were significant for all characters except SCA variance for mixing time and 8爷curve width. Furthermore, the GCA variance were much larger than SCA variance for all characters except for final viscosity. Synthesizing the analysis of combining ability and estimation of genetic parameters indicated that the inheritance of mixing time and 8爷curve width was controlled mainly by additive gene effect, while other characters were influenced by both additive and non-additive effects with the additive effect being predominant. Gaocheng 8901 was the most prominent combiner and its total GCA effect ranked first for examined characters. For the characters which showed higher additive gene effects, the performance of parents was consistent with their GCA effects. The F1 performance was positively correlated with SCA effects, but it was also influenced by GCA of the parents. To obtain desirable combinations, the emphasis should be put on the evaluation of SCA effects on the basis of GCA of the parents. Some related issues of quality improvement in wheat were discussed.
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