张宁,郭荣发.水稻氮高效种质资源筛选及其耐低氮 胁迫机理研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(5):66-70
查看全文    HTML 水稻氮高效种质资源筛选及其耐低氮 胁迫机理研究进展
Advancements in nitrogen efficient screening of germplasmresources and deficiency tolerance mechanisma study in rice
中文关键词: 氮高效  筛选  胁迫机理  种质资源
英文关键词: nitrogen efficient  screening  tolerance mechanisma  germplasm
张宁,郭荣发 广东海洋大学农学院广东湛江524088 
摘要点击次数: 1953
全文下载次数: 767
      我国稻田土壤普遍缺氮,但氮对水稻的生长起着至关重要的作用,氮肥的投入对水稻产量的提高做出 了很大的贡献。近年来,随着氮肥投入的增加,水稻对氮肥的利用率却在不断地降低并且对生态环境也产生了一定 的不良影响,筛选出氮高效水稻种质资源是解决这一问题的理想途径。综述了水稻氮高效种质资源筛选及其耐低 氮胁迫机理的研究进展,并对其进行了展望,以期为氮高效水稻品种的筛选及水稻的改良提供依据。 稻水肥精准调控技术冶(月11192)
      Chinas paddy soil lacks in nitrogen generally, while nitrogen plays an important role on the growth of rice, and nitrogen fertilizer inputs make a great contribution on increasing the yield of rice. In recent years, with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer inputs, the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer in rice was reducing continuously and also showed some a certain adverse effects on the ecological environment, and the ideal way to solve the problem was to screen efficient nitrogen germplasm resources. This artical was summarized based on the research of nitrogen efficient screening of germplasm reasources and deficiency tolerance mechanisma in rice and made prospection of it, in order to provide the basis for the screening of nitrogen efficient varieties and the improvement in rice.
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