郭换丽1,2,余元善2,肖更生1,2,吴继军2,徐玉娟2,温靖2.二甲基二碳酸盐对荔枝汁的杀菌效果 及其耐受菌的分离鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(5):155-158
查看全文    HTML 二甲基二碳酸盐对荔枝汁的杀菌效果 及其耐受菌的分离鉴定
Inactivation of indigenous microorganisms in the litchijuice by Dimethyl Carbonate and identificationof resistant microorganisms to DMDC
中文关键词: 二甲基二碳酸盐  荔枝汁  货架期  杀菌
英文关键词: dimethyl carbonate  litchi juice  shelf-life  inactivation
基金项目:国家野十二五冶科技支撑计划(2012BAD31B00); 广东省农业科学院院长基金(201216)
郭换丽1,2,余元善2,肖更生1,2,吴继军2,徐玉娟2,温靖2 1.江西农业大学生物科学与工程学院江西南昌330045 2.广东省农科院蚕业与农产品加工研究所广东广州510610 
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      研究了处理温度和时间对二甲基二碳酸盐(DMDC)在新鲜荔枝汁中杀菌效果的影响,并测定了新鲜荔 枝汁经DMDC 处理后在4益贮藏期间微生物的动态变化。结果发现,提高温度能提高DMDC 的杀菌速率,缩短杀菌 时间,但不能提高总的杀菌效果。4益的荔枝汁添加DMDC 12 h后,酵母菌已经被完全杀灭,菌落总数、乳酸菌数和霉 菌数分别降低至3.73、2.6 和0.3 个对数。DMDC 处理后残留的污染菌采用16S 或18S rDNA 法进行鉴定后发现其主 要是芽孢杆菌属、毛霉属和明串珠菌属菌株,其中明串珠菌属是优势菌群。DMDC 处理后的荔枝汁在4益贮藏期间, 残留的明串珠菌能表现出生长,贮藏40 d后,其菌数将达到5个对数以上,会对荔枝汁的营养和风味产生影响。
      In the study, effects of temperature and time on the inactivation of microorganisms of fresh litchi juice by dimethyl carbonate (DMDC) were investigated, and the changes in the counts of microorganisms of DMDC-treated fresh litchi juice during storage at 4were also determined. Results showed that the inactivation rate of microorganisms increased with the increasing temperature. But the increase of the temperature could not increase the inactivation of microorganisms, which only decreased the inactivation time of microorganisms. After adding 250 mg/L of DMDC for 12 h, a complete inactivation of yeasts was observed, and the counts of total bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and mold declined to 3.73, 2.6 and 0.3 lg (CFU/mL), respectively. The identification using 16S or 18S rDNA methods found the residual microorganisms in DMDC-treated litchi juice mainly were Bacillus, Mucor and Leuconostoc strains, and the Leuconostoc was the dominant strains. The residual Leuconostoc strains in DMDC-treated litchi juice showed growth during storage of 4益, after 40 d of storage, the count of Leuconostoc strains reached more than 5 lg, which impacted the nutritional quality and flavor of litchi juice.
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