孙剑,罗国芝,孙大川,谭洪新,于文杰.欧洲鳗半封闭式循环水养殖模式 的运行效果研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(5):203-207
查看全文    HTML 欧洲鳗半封闭式循环水养殖模式 的运行效果研究
Study on the effect of semi-closed recirculatingaquaculture system for European eel
中文关键词: 欧洲鳗  半封闭式循环水  水质  生长
英文关键词: European eel  semi-closed recirculating system  water quality  growth
基金项目:十二五冶农村领域国家科技计划项目(2012BAD 25B03);上海工程技术中心能力提升项目(13DZ2280500)
孙剑,罗国芝,孙大川,谭洪新,于文杰 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院/上海水产养殖工程技术研究中心/上海高校知识服务平台 上海海洋大学水产动物育种中心上海201306 
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全文下载次数: 1266
      为了提高鳗鲡养殖的效果及减少环境污染,建立了一种低成本、环境友好型的鳗鲡半封闭式循环水养 殖模式,并对黑仔鳗在该模式下的运行效果进行了研究。结果表明,试验阶段各水质指标为NH4+-N 0.73~11.14 mg/L、NO2--N 0.01~2.2 mg/L、NO3--N 5.00~26.89 mg/L,控制水温在21~22益、溶氧4.7~5.1 mg/L、pH 6.9~7.6,系统的日 均换水率为23.6%。经过75 d 的养殖,欧洲鳗鲡平均体重由10.8 g增至16.2 g,成活率为98.72%,特定生长率为 0.54%/d,饵料系数为2.06。此模式具有水质处理效果好、改造方便、运行简单等优点,在冬天有较好的节水效果。
      To improve the eel farming efficiency and reduce the environmental pollution, a low -cost and environmentally friendly semi-closed recirculating system for eel was created, and blackie eels were cultivated in this system. The results showed that, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen in the recirculating system was 0.73~11.14 mg/L, 0.01~2.2 mg/L, 5.00~26.89 mg/L, respectively. In addition, when DO, pH value, water temperature and average daily water exchange rate were maintained at 4.7 ~5.1 mg/L, 6.9 ~7.6, 21 ~22益, 23.6% respectively, after 75 d for feeding, the average body weight of eel increased from 10.8 g to 16.2 g, the survival rate was 98.72%, the SGR was 0.54%/d, and the FCR was 2.06. This recirculating system has some advantages such as better water quality, easier transformation and operation, better water saving in winter.
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