查看全文    HTML 伊犁河流域白杨派优良品种数量成熟龄的确定
Study on the determination of quantitative maturity age forfine variety of Section leuce in Ili River basin
中文关键词: 白杨派  聚类分析  数量成熟龄
英文关键词: Section Leuce  classification analysis  quantitative maturity
基金项目:新疆科技计划项目(201254112);新疆林业科技 专项(XJ201302)
李丕军,艾吉尔窑阿不拉,王文月 新疆林业科学:新疆乌鲁木齐830000 
摘要点击次数: 1721
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      以伊犁地区白杨派树种为试验材料,采用聚类方法选出具有高生长率的更为适合伊犁河流域生长的白杨派优良品种,并预测选出的优良品种的数量成熟龄。结果表明,通过聚类分析可将白杨派无性系分为两类:一类为高生长率品种,平均树高生长量为25.63 m、年均生长量为1.602 m,平均胸径为41.9 cm、年均生长量为2.619 cm,平均材积为1.337 m3、年均生长量为0.084 m3;另一类为低生长率品种,平均树高生长量为23.28 m、年均生长量为1.455 m,平均胸径为25.98 cm、年均生长量为1.624 cm,平均材积为0.506 m3、年均生长量为0.032 m3。高生长率的白杨派品种数量成熟龄在14~25 年之间。
      In this study, taking Section leuce in Ili region as experimental materials, fine variety of S. leuce with high growth rate and more suitable for Ili River basin were selected by using clustering method, and quantitative maturity age of the fine variety of S. leuce was predicted to provide theoretical basis for production and management of S. leuce. The results showed that, by classification analysis S. leuce in Ili region could be divided into two categories, one category had high growth rate with the average tree height growth of 25.63 m, an average annual growth of 1.602 m, with the average diameter of 41.9 cm, an average annual growth of 2.619 cm, with the average volume of 1.337 m3, an average annual growth of 0.084 m3; the second category had ow growth rate with the average tree height growth of 23.28 m, an average annual growth of 1.455 m, with the average diameter of 25.98 cm, an average annual growth of 1.624 cm, with the average volume of 0.506 m3, an average annual growth of 0.032 m3. The quantitative maturity age of S. leuce with high growth rate was 14-25 years. Key
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