郭丽英1,郭雁君1,麦丽瑶2,岑惠锋2,吴道洲2,吉前华1,2.肇庆、云浮地区砂糖橘黄龙病PCR 快速检测技术的建立[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(6):96-98
查看全文    HTML 肇庆、云浮地区砂糖橘黄龙病PCR 快速检测技术的建立
Establishment of PCR testing technique forcitrus HLB in Zhaoqing and Yunfu
中文关键词: 黄龙病  PCR  肇庆  砂糖橘
英文关键词: HLB  PCR  Zhaoqing  citrus
基金项目:国家现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系建设项目 (CAR27);广东省现代农业产业技术体系建设项目;肇庆学院大 学生创新性实验计划项目
郭丽英1,郭雁君1,麦丽瑶2,岑惠锋2,吴道洲2,吉前华1,2 1.肇庆学:果树研究所广东肇庆5260612.肇庆学:生命科学学:广东肇庆526061 
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      以砂糖橘叶脉为材料,采用微量提取法提取DNA,利用柑橘黄龙病病原的特异引物对其16S rDNA 片段进行PCR 扩增,将其扩增产物纯化、回收,筛选含有黄龙病病原16S rDNA 片段的阳性克隆进行序列测定,初步建立了适用于肇庆、云浮地区砂糖橘黄龙病PCR 检测技术,并通过该技术对肇庆、云浮地区砂糖橘黄龙病的发生情况进行了初步了解。结果表明:应用16S rDNA 检测砂糖橘黄龙病在肇庆、云浮地区是可行的,肇庆、云浮地区各县砂糖橘产区均检测到感染黄龙病植株。
      The experiment was made with citrus leaves as samples and by means of DNA extraction. Specific primers from HLB agents were applied to amplify through PCR, the final product of which would be purified and recollected. 16Sr DNA segments were positively cloned and sequenced. A PCR testing technique was established for citrus HLB in Zhaoqing and Yunfu area. The PCR technique was applied to test suspected citrus HLB samples all cross Zhaoqing and Yunfu. Experiment results indicated that PCR testing technique was feasible and citrus plants with HLB infection were discovered in Zhaoqing and Yunfu.
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