徐靖,韩义胜,严小微,王效宁.海南普通野生稻STK类抗病基因 同源序列的分离与分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(6):147-149
查看全文    HTML 海南普通野生稻STK类抗病基因 同源序列的分离与分析
Cloning and analysis of STK resistance gene analogues fromHainan common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff)
中文关键词: 普通野生稻  抗病基因类似物  基因分离  序列分析
英文关键词: common wild rice  resistance gene analogues  gene isolation  sequence analysis
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金(309020);国家公益性行业 (农业)科研专项(201003021)
徐靖,韩义胜,严小微,王效宁 海南省农科:粮食作物研究所海南海口571100 
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      根据植物STK 抗病基因的保守区域设计简并引物,以海南普通野生稻基因组DNA 为模板进行PCR 扩增,通过T/A 克隆、测序和序列分析, 共获得5 条具有连续ORF 的STK 抗病基因类似物(RGAs)序列,核苷酸序列间的相似性系数为37.82%耀99.25%,相应氨基酸序列间的相似性系数为31.28%耀98.86%。氨基酸序列结构分析表明,它们都具有STK 保守结构域,与已克隆的STK 类抗病基因有不同程度的相似性,为进一步克隆海南普通野生稻中的STK 类抗病基因提供依据。
      Degenerate primers based on conserved motif of the serine-threonine kinase (STK) region from the cloned plant disease resistance genes were used to isolate resistance gene analogues(RGAs) from genomic DNA of Hainan common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff). After T/A cloning, sequencing and analyzing by alignment, five RGAs with uninterrupted open reading frames (ORFs) were obtained. Sequence identity among the five RGAs nucleotide sequences ranged from 17.96% to 98.86%, while the five RGAs deduced amino acid sequences showed identity ranged from 37.82% to 99.25%. The deduced amino acid sequences of RGAs contained STK motifs and had different homologies to STK resistance genes that had cloned. These provided the basis for further study on cloning STK resistance gene from Hainan common wild rice.
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