查看全文    HTML 贵阳市兰科植物多样性及区系分析
Diversity and flora analysis of Orchidaceae in Guiyang
中文关键词: 兰科植物  物种多样性  区系成分  贵阳市
英文关键词: Orchidaceae  species diversity  floristic elements  Guiyang
余德会1,赵熙黔2,,丛军3,安明态3,严令斌3,李鹤4,罗林2 1.雷公山国家级自然保护区贵州凯里5560002.贵阳市兰花产业办公室贵州贵阳550001 3.贵州大学林学:贵州贵阳5500254.贵州省林业科学研究:贵州贵阳550005 
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      以2010要2013 年野生兰科植物资源调查为背景,查阅相关文献资料,对贵阳市野生兰科植物的种类组成、多样性特征、地理区系等进行了分析。结果表明:(1)该区物种种类组成丰富,共有兰科植物80 种,分属34 属,以兰属种类最多、占16.25%,绶草属、瘦房兰属、短瓣兰属等23 属各占1.25%;(2)分布范围广泛,涉及在黔中6 大植被类型,但多集中分布在海拔800~1 200 m 的生态环境保护较好的地段;(3)生活型组成齐全,以地生兰和附生兰为主,有地生兰48种,占总种数的60%,有附生兰(包括半附生)29 种,占总种数的36.25%,腐生兰仅3 种,占总种数的3.75%;(4)区系组成丰富,可划分为10 个类型和1 个变型,以热带成分为主,温带成分次之;特有种类比例较大,中国特有2 属、24种,占总种数的5.88%、30.00%;(5)受危种类多,近危36 种,易危33种,濒危8种,极危1种,无危仅有2种。
      Based on the resources survey of wild orchids from 2010 to 2013 and review of relevant literature, this paper analyzed species composition, diversity and floristic geography of wild orchids in Guiyang. The results showed that, species in Guiyang is rich, there were 80 species belonging to 34 genera of Orchidaceae, among which Cymbidium species was the most, accounting for 16.25%, each of 23 genera including Spiranthes, Ischnogyne, Monomeria accounted for 1.25%. The distribution of wild orchids was wide, covering 6 major forest types in Guizhou, but mostly concentrated in altitude at 800-1 200 m where ecological and environmental protection was good. Life-type composition was complete, edaphic type and epiphytic type were the main, there were 48 species of edaphic type, accounting for 60.00% of the total species number; there were 29 species of epiphytic type, accounting for 36.25%; there were only 3 species of saprophytic type, accounting for 3.75%. Floristic composition was rich, could be divided into 10 types and a variant, tropical ingredients were the main, and temperate followed by temperate-zone ones; the proportion of endemic species was large, two genera and 24 species were unique to China, accounting for 5.88% and 30.00%, respectively. There was large number of threatened species, among which the numbers of near threatened species, vulnerable species, endangered species and extreme danger species were 36, 33, 8 and 1, respectively, the number of no danger species was only 2.
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