王恒叶,黄列耸.丰顺县发展精致高效农业的成效、 问题与对策[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(6):212-214
查看全文    HTML 丰顺县发展精致高效农业的成效、 问题与对策
Impact of vegetables quality grading and saleschannels expanding on farmers' income
中文关键词: 丰顺  精致高效农业  成效  对策
英文关键词: vegetable price  vegetable quality grading  vegetable sales channels expanding
基金项目:国家社会科学基金07&ZD045;教育部人文社会 科学一般项目05JD790133
王恒叶,黄列耸 丰顺县农业技术推广中心广东丰顺514300 
摘要点击次数: 1279
全文下载次数: 0
      Agriculture is the basic industry of China. At the same time, as an essential part of agriculture, the development of vegetable has an important influence on the rural life. There're obvious different quality levels among various kinds of vegetable, and the supply chain of vegetable is longer compared with other food, which makes the vegetable price irregularly change and absolutely has a negative impact on vegetable farmers. Under current market conditions, it is necessary to seek the measure which can guarantee farmers' basic profit and even increase farmers' income. Through vegetables quality grading and sales channels expanding, the profit of the vegetable farmers can be guaranteed.
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