查看全文    HTML 液体肥料对荔枝产量和品质的影响
Effects of fluid fertilizer on yield and quality of Litchi
中文关键词: 荔枝  液体肥料  产量  品质
英文关键词: Litchi  fluid fertilizer  yield  quality
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2012A020602088);广东省 科技成果转化启动项目(2006B60201018
彭智平1,于俊红1,黄继川1,蔡国豪2,周李珠2,田惠萍2 1、广东省农科院农业资源与环境研究所/农业部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室/ 广东省养分资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室广东广州510640 2、惠东县四季鲜荔枝专业合作社广东惠东516345 
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      根据土壤养分测定结果制定施肥措施,进行固体肥料和液体肥料的对比试验。结果显示,通过灌溉施肥 系统进行液体肥料施用,能促进荔枝对养分的吸收,其叶片氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硼、锌含量比对照分别提高11.5%、 19.4%、12.6%、32.6%、34.0%、32.0%和24.4%,产量增加43.8%,可溶糖含量和固形物含量比对照提高7.2%和13.1%, 具有显著的节肥增收效应。
      The contrast test of fluid fertilizer and solid fertilizer based on soil nutrient status was conducted to study the effect of fluidfer tilizer on the yield and quality of litchi. The results showed that the application of fluid fertilizers through irrigation system was more effective. Compared with the treatments of solid fertilizer applied, the yield of litchi increased by 43.8%, and the absorption rate of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Zn enhanced by 11.5%, 19.4%,12.6%, 32.6%, 34.0%, 32.0% and 24.4%, respectively. The litchi applied with fluid fertilizer had better fruit quality that the contents of soluble sugar and solid were higher than that of control with 7.2% and 13.1%.
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