查看全文    HTML Venlo温室在海南热区的环境适应性初步研究
reliminary study on environmental adaptability ofVenlo greenhouse in tropics of Hainan province
中文关键词: 海南地区  Venlo 温室  环境因子
英文关键词: Hainan province  Venlo greenhouse  environment factors
穆大伟1,2,贾鹏宇1,赵立明1 1.海南大学园艺园林学院海南海口5702282.天津大学建筑学院天津300072 自然科学基金(808110)海南大学青年基金(qnjj1157) 
摘要点击次数: 1415
全文下载次数: 505
      为了解发源于荷兰的Venlo 温室在海南热区的气候适应性,于2010 年11 月开始采用5 点法和9 点法 5 次测试Venlo 温室的气温尧设施表皮温度尧光照强度尧相对湿度和CO2浓度等环境指标。结果表明院在海南热带季风 气候条件下,Venlo 温室在低温季节具有保温作用,在炎热季节具有降温作用,但温室内外温度相差不到1益,调节温 度性能较差,需要提高保温性能,增加辅助降温措施;Venlo 温室内外地表温差高达15益,降低室内地表温度效果明 显,同时温室屋顶骨架温度过高,有损覆盖材料使用寿命;Venlo 温室在寒冷季节阴天具有降湿的作用,在炎热季节 晴天具有保湿的作用,但室内外相对湿度相差在3.0%以内,对相对湿度影响较小;在海南地区Venlo 温室透光率不 高,但温室内光照强度并不低,能够满足作物生理需求;在海南使用Venlo 温室,室内日平均CO2浓度较高,不需要施 用CO2肥料。
      In order to study climate adaptability of Venlo greenhouse originated from the Netherlands, air temperature, facilities surface temperature, light intensity, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration were tested in Hainan province in 2010 by 5 point method and 9 point method. The results indicated that in the conditions of tropical monsoon climate, Venlo greenhouse had a certain thermo-keeping effect in cold season and a cooling effect in the hot season, but the temperature difference of indoor and outdoor was less than 1, the temperature capability of Venlo greenhouse was poor in tropical regions, so we needed to improve the thermo-keeping effect, add cooling measures. The land surface temperature difference of indoor and outdoor was up to 15, the cooling effect was obvious; on the other hand, the steel frame temperature of greenhouse roof was so high that covering material life became short. Venlo greenhouse had dehumidified effect in cold season and moisture retention effect in hot season, humidity difference of indoor and outdoor was less than 3.0%, the effect was smaller. The transmittance of Venlo greenhouse was not high in Hainan province, but the light intensity in the Venlo greenhouse was enough to meet the physical needs of crops. The carbon dioxide concentration was high in Venlo greenhouse in Hainan, so we didnt need applying carbon dioxide fertilizer.
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