查看全文    HTML 不同栽培方式对套种野菊花生长及产量的影响
Effects of different cultivation methods on growth and yieldof wild Chrysanthemum under intercropping system
中文关键词: 套种  栽培方式  野菊花  生长  产量
英文关键词: intercropping system  cultivation method  wild Chrysanthemum  growth  yield
基金项目:国家科技富民强县专项(国科技发农[2010]349 号);柳州市应用技术研究与开发计划项目(2010020702)
陶进科1,李小勇2,3,罗菊云1,吴秀光1,韦荣昌2,白隆华2,3 1.融安县科技局广西柳州5450002.广西壮族自治区药用植物园广西南宁530023 3.广西药用资源保护与遗传改良重点实验室广西南宁530023 
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      为探明套种野菊花的高产栽培技术,通过大田试验,比较了等行距栽培和宽窄行栽培方式下套种野菊 花的产量和生长特性的差异。结果表明,与等行距栽培相比,宽窄行栽培的鲜花平均产量为4 365.4 kg/hm2、增产 98.6%,干花平均产量为1 570.9 kg/hm2、增产96.1%,但在折干率上两种栽培方式差异不显著;其产量优势主要体现 在单株产量高,干物质积累量大,营养生长期SPAD 值上升较快,盛花期叶面积指数较高;同时促进生长,株高和分枝 数分别显著增加了11.4%和49.3%,利于有效花蕾数增加。两种栽培方式下,均以株距15 cm 群体的产量最高。
      In order to develop technologies for high yield cultivation of wild Chrysanthemum under intercropping system, field experiment was conducted to determine the differences in yield and growth between wid-narrow row spacing cropping pattern A and equal row spacing cropping pattern B in wild Chrysanthemum. The results showed that the average yield of fresh flower and dry flower in pattern A reached 4 365.4 kg/hm2 and 1 570.9 kg/hm2, respectively, out-yielding the pattern B 98.6% and 96.1%, respectively. However, there was no significant difference in ratio of flower dry weight (DW) to flower flesh weight (FW) between the two cropping systems. Compared to pattern B, the yield per plant and the dry matter accumulation of pattern A was higher, the SPAD value of leaf during vegetative growth phase went up quicker, the leaf area index (LAI) was higher at peak-flowering stage. The plant height and the number of branches in pattern A increased by 11.4% and 49.3% in pattern B. Pattern A also favoured the growth and the increase of effective flower bud number. The population yield was the highest with 15 cm plant spacing for both pattern A and pattern B.
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