查看全文    HTML 蚕沙好氧堆肥腐熟度指标研究
Study on maturity indexes in silkwormexcrement aerobic composting
中文关键词: 蚕沙  堆肥  腐熟度指标
英文关键词: silkworm excrement  compost  maturity index
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-22);广 东省科技计划项目(2012A020200013)
冉艳萍1,2,杨琼2,李丽2,邢东旭2,刘吉平1,李庆荣2,肖阳2,廖森泰2 1.华南农业大学动物科学学院广东广州510642 2.广东省农科院蚕业与农产品加工研究所广东广州510610 
摘要点击次数: 1366
全文下载次数: 631
      堆肥腐熟度是衡量堆肥反应进程和堆肥产品质量的主要参数,为了探索蚕沙堆肥腐熟度的快速评价体 系,以蚕沙为主要堆肥材料,以蘑菇渣和谷壳作为调理剂,采用静态好氧堆肥模式进行3 种堆肥处理,研究蚕沙堆肥处 理过程中理化、生物学性状的变化规律,并对各指标作相关性分析。结果表明,当发芽指数逸80%,C/N 和T值分别降至 12.07和0.76,堆肥颜色呈黑色、无气味、温度降至常温时,蚕沙堆肥达到充分腐熟。因此,蚕沙堆肥处理过程中的堆肥颜 色、气味、温度、C/N、T 值及发芽指数与蚕沙好氧堆肥腐熟度紧密相关,可作为蚕沙好氧堆肥腐熟度快速评价指标。
      Compost maturity is the main parameter to evaluate the composting process and compost product quality, but research on maturity indexes of silkworm excrement composting was seldom. To explore the rapid evaluation system of maturity about silkworm excrement composting, the model of static -aerobic composting was adapted to three types of compost, the main composting material was silkworm excrement, and the conditioners were spent mushroom compost and chaff, then investigated the change rules of physical, chemical and biological properties, and made a correlation analysis on various indicators. The results showed that when the germination index reached 80% or above, C/N and T value dropped to 12.7 and 0.76, the compost color became black, the smell disappeared, and the temperature dropped to normal temperature, the silkworm excrement would become thoroughly decomposed. So that the color, smell, temperature, C/N, T value and germination index of silkworm excrement composting were close related to the maturity of silkworm excrement aerobic composting, and could be used as the rapid evaluation indexes of maturity of silkworm excrement aerobic composting.
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