顾雅君1,张瑞英1,李宾2,王瑛1,王世英3.J-11 菌剂对肉鸡肠道消化酶活性 及生长性能的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(8):158-160
查看全文    HTML J-11 菌剂对肉鸡肠道消化酶活性 及生长性能的影响
Effects of J-11 preparation on digestive enzyme activity inintestinal tract and growth performance of broiler
中文关键词: 肉鸡  J-11 菌剂  消化酶  生长性能
英文关键词: broiler  J-11 preparation  digestive enzyme  growth performance
基金项目:国家星火计划项目(2010GA105010);河北大学 自然科学研究计划项目(12010-195
顾雅君1,张瑞英1,李宾2,王瑛1,王世英3 1.河北大学生命科学学院河北保定0710022.河北省微生物研究所河北保定071051 3.河北农业大学生命科学学院河北保定071001 
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      研究了枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis) J-11 菌剂对肉鸡肠道5 种消化酶活力及生长性能的影响。选用3 日龄仔肉鸡2 000 只,平均随机分成两组,即对照组和添加组。添加组3~21 日龄期间在基础日粮中添加0.1%J-11 菌 剂,对照组不添加J-11 菌剂。结果表明,饲料中添加0.1% J-11 菌剂后,可使肉鸡粪便中琢-淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶 和纤维素酶的平均酶活力分别提高44.02%、45.99%、58.37%和45.73%,茁-葡聚糖酶的活力无显著变化;肉鸡平均日 增重提高13.00%,料重比降低11.0%。停饲J-11 菌剂后,添加组粪便中消化酶活力和肉鸡平均日增重等指标逐渐接 近对照组。J-11 菌剂具有提高肉鸡肠道多种消化酶活力,增加饲料转化率,改善肉鸡生长性能的作用。
      Effects of Bacillus subtilis J-11 preparation on five kinds of digestive enzyme activity in intestinal tract and growth performance of broiler were studied. 2000 three-day-old broilers were divided into test group (supplemented with 0.1% J-11 preparation from 3 days old to 21 days old) and control group (fed by the basal diet) on the average. The results showed that 琢-amylase, protease, lipease, cellulase activity in broiler manure increased by 44.02%, 45.99%, 58.37%, 45.73%, respectively, while 茁-gluanase activity was not different. Broiler weight increased by 13.0%, feed to gain ratio decreased by 11%. When J-11 preparation was stopped feeding those indices of test group were close to those of control group gradually. J-11 preparation can improve some intestinal digestive enzyme activity in intestinal tract and growth performance of broiler.
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