查看全文    HTML 水稻苗期钾高效种质资源的筛选与评价
Screening and evaluation of rice germplasm resourceswith high potassium efficiency at seedling stage
中文关键词: 水稻  耐低钾  种质资源  苗期  水培
英文关键词: rice  low potassium tolerance  germplasm resources  seedling stage  hydroponic culture
基金项目:广东省现代农业产业技术体系岗位专家项目 (B11192)
张宁,郭荣发 广东海洋大学农学院广东湛江524088 
摘要点击次数: 1449
全文下载次数: 510
      通过设置低钾(5 mg/L)胁迫和正常供钾(40 mg/L)2 个处理水平的苗期水培试验,采用相对耐低钾指数 为评价指标、方差分析及主成分分析的方法,对18 个不同水稻品种进行钾高效种质资源的筛选与评价。方差分析表 明院16 个钾效率的相关性状在18 个水稻基因型间的差异均达到显著或极显著水平。主成分分析表明,前5 个主成分 累计贡献率达到90.972%,已包含了大部分的信息,能够基本反映整体状况。其中相对植株干重、相对茎叶干重、相对 根部干重、相对根冠比、相对茎叶吸钾量、相对植株吸钾量在5 个主成分中的比重较大,可以作为水稻苗期钾高效种 质资源筛选的指标。综合评价结果表明院湛优2009 得分最高、为2.2753 分,特优524 次之、为2.2545 分,均为最耐低 钾水稻品种;黄丰占、黄华占、博优晚三、域优3550等6 个品种为中等耐低钾水稻品种;博优043 得分最低、为-1.8583 分,为低钾敏感型水稻品种。
      Tighteen different rice varieties were screened and evaluated for low potassium stress (5 mg/L) and normal (40 mg/L) in hydroponic culture at seedling stage by adopting relatively low potassium tolerance index and variance and principal component analysis method. Variance analysis showed that there was significant or very significant differences in 16 potassium efficiency related traits among 18 rice genotypes. Principal component analysis showed that the accumulation contribution rate for first five principal components reached 90.972%, which implied that they contained most of the information to reflect the all trait resource. The proportions of relative plant dry weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root/shoot ratio, shoot potassium uptake and plant potassium uptake in the five principal components were higher, so they could be used as screening index of rice potassium efficiency germplasm resources screening at seedling stage. The comprehensive evaluation results showed that the highest score (2.2753) was Zhanyou 2009冶and the second was Teyou 524冶(2.2545), both were the best potassium tolerance rice varieties; Huangfengzhan, Huanghuazhan, Boyouwan3, you3550 etc. were medium potassium tolerance varieties; the least score (-1.8583) was Boyou043冶, it was low potassium sensitive varieties.
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