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Study on drought resistance dentification ofLeucaena leucocephala at germination stage
中文关键词: 银合欢  萌芽期  抗旱性  鉴定
英文关键词: Leucaena leucocephala  germination stage  drought resistance  identification
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD17B01-01-5); 农业部物种资源保护“热带牧草种质资源保存”项目;农业部热 带作物种质资源保护项目(12RZZY-09);非营利性科研机构改 革启动项目“热带牧草新品种繁育及推广利用”
严琳玲,张瑜,白昌军 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所/农业部华南作物基因资源 与种质创制重点实验室海南儋州571737 
摘要点击次数: 1823
全文下载次数: 649
      以15% PEG(聚乙二醇)溶液作为渗透介质,对98 份银合欢种质进行萌芽期人工水分胁迫试验。结果表 明院PEG 胁迫降低了银合欢种质的发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、根重、芽重、根长、芽长,种质间表现出较大差异。对 相对发芽势、相对发芽率、相对根长、相对芽长、相对根重、相对芽重、萌发抗旱指数6 个指标应用模糊隶属函数法进 行耐旱性综合评价,发现抗旱型种质有银合欢070108001、CIAT7930、CIAT17492、CIAT7384、070113002、CIAT9438、 CIAT17488、hybrid86、菲19、050307504、070110015、050217064、050302442,不抗旱型种质包括银合欢061021037、 hybrid122、CIAT17474、070315004,其余81 份银合欢种质为中间型。
      An experiment of simulated water stress was carried out on 98 Leucaena leucocephala accessions with 15% PEG-6000 solution as permeating medium. The results showed that the germination rate, germination index, vitality index, the length and weight of embryonic bud and embryonic root decreased and varied considerably under PEG stress. On the base of 7 indexes including relative germination energy, relative germination rate, relative root and bud length, relative root and bud weight and germination drought-resistance index, the comprehensive evaluation of drought-tolerance with fuzzy membership function method found that drought -tolerant accessions included L. leucocephala 070108001, CIAT7930, CIAT17492, CIAT7384, 070113002, CIAT9438, CIAT17488, hybrid86, FEI19, 050307504, 070110015, 050217064 and 050302442, while non -drought -tolerant accessions included L. leucocephala 061021037, hybrid122, CIAT17474 and 070315004, and the rest 81 L. leucocephala accessions fell in middle type.
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