查看全文    HTML 速生桉、马尾松、湿地松等人工林物种多样性研究
Study on species diversity of Eucalyptus spp., Pinusmassoniana and Pinus elliottii plantations
中文关键词: 速生桉  人工林  物种多样性
英文关键词: Eucalyptuses spp.  plantation  species diversity
韦春义 广西生态工程职业技术学院广西柳州545004 
摘要点击次数: 1454
全文下载次数: 595
      以广西国营沙塘林场的速生桉、马尾松、湿地松3 种人工纯林的生物群落调查为基底,研究不同类型林 分生物多样性特征。结果表明院研究区不同类型林分之间的物种多样性指数无明显差异,速生桉人工林物种种类和 数量在很大程度上取决于该立地原有植被和生物的种类和数量;研究区草本层的Shannon-Weiner 多样性指数、 Simpson 优势度指数、Margalef 丰富度指数总体比灌木层小,速生桉人工林草本层和灌木层分层不明显,灌木层的物 种丰富度和多样性指数高于草本层;连栽具有降低灌木层物种多样性指数、提高草本层多样性指数的作用。
      The biodiversity characteristics of different types of forest were studied in Guangxi Shatang State Forest Farm based on the biological community survey about three kinds of pure plantations including Eucalyptus spp., Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii. The results indicated that there was no significant difference among different types of stands in species diversity index, and the species type and quantity in Eucalyptus plantation depended on those of original vegetation and biology to a great extent. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index, Simpson dominance index and Margalef richness index of the herb layer were generally lower than those of the shrub layer, the layering of herb layer and shrub layer in Eucalyptus plantation was not obvious, and the species richness index and diversity index of the shrub layer were higher than those of the herb layer. Repeated planting could decrease the diversity index of the shrub layer, but increase that of the herb layer.
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