查看全文    HTML 乡村土地资源整合模式:土地流转与整治
Integrated models for reactivating rural land:land transformation and land consolidation
中文关键词: 乡村土地  资源整合  土地流转模式  土地整治模式
英文关键词: rural land  resources integration  land transformation mode  land consolidation mode
张仕超1,李治猛2,魏朝富1 1.西南大学资源环境学院/农业部西南耕地保育重点实验室重庆400715 2.重庆高新工程勘察设计院重庆400042 
摘要点击次数: 1847
全文下载次数: 828
      受耕地细碎化、宅基地空置化、土地利用粗放化、耕地保护严峻化和新型四化同步推进的多维驱动影 响,乡村土地顺畅流转并带动城乡资源高效整合成为我国土地流转与土地整治互动机制创新的难点。为此,从土地 产权流转、农用地整治和建设用地整治三个层面,论述了乡村土地资源整合模式。研究表明院土地流转是土地使用权 转移和收益再分配,农用地整治是土地自然属性与利用方式的重构和调整,而居民点复垦、新村建设和建设用地增 减挂钩是城乡建设用地的布局优化和整体效用的提升。尽管从土地产权和工程改造层面,构建了特定区域或特定目 标的土地产权流转模式和田-水-路-林-村工程建设模式,但尚未形成“协调、互动、统筹”土地流转与资源整合模式 体系。因此,如何将土地流转与土地整治融为一体,通过政策引导与工程改造双向加力,搭建城乡资源高效整合和双 向流动的统筹链,成为土地流转与资源整合耦合模式创新的关键点。而该模式的创新发展,既应突破土地流转体制 障碍,又应突破新增耕地受路、沟、渠、林等占用多且乱的限制,农业产业化受土地细碎化、基础设施薄弱化的限制, 城乡建设用地受置换不对接的限制,还应吻合区域自然-社会-经济-生态-环境的现实发展态势。
      With the multidimensional drive system by agricultural land fragmentation, idle rural housing land, extensive land use, farmland protection and the new four modernizations, smooth transfer of rural land and efficient integration of urban-rural resources become difficulties of innovation of the coupling mechanism between land transformation and land consolidation. In this paper, the modes of both rural land property rights transfer and land consolidation were discussed by documentary data analysis. The results indicated that land transformation focused on land use rights transfer and income redistribution. Agricultural land consolidation refered to land natural attributes or land-use changes. Rural housing land rehabilitation, new rural construction and land-use policy on 野linking the increase in land used for urban construction with the decrease in land used for rural construction冶were to optimize the spatial structure of urban-rural construction land, and to enhance overall effects of construction land. The mode of rural land property rights transfer and engineering construction modes of farmland, rural road, water conservancy facilities, farmland shelterbelts, as well as rural housing land were formed in the specific areas or under specific objectives. The coupling model of land transformation and land consolidation has not yet been formed. Thence, how to construct a coordination development chain through bidirectional strength of land use policy and engineering measures is the key point of the innovation of the coupling mode of land transformation and land consolidation. As to the coupling model, we should not only break through the obstacles of the rural land property rights system, but also weaken or eliminate the negative effects (e.g. the impacts of the agricultural infrastructure爷s irrational allocation on new cultivated land, the impacts of land fragmentation and poor rural infrastructure on modern agriculture, and the impacts of urban -rural dual structure on free flows of urban-rural construction land resources), and be consistent with the development trend of the regional natural-social-economic-ecologicalenvironmental conditions.
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